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The expected brutal debate that paralyzes the USA

There is a lot at stake.

Ruthless debate

Both the Democrat and the Republican know that they are one of the closest elections in recent years in a context of extreme national polarization and global crisis. The result of the elections in November will not only define the destiny of the USA but will affect the world order.

In the latest polls, Trump surpasses Biden with a minimal advantage and enjoys the predilection of undecided voters in key states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

The Democrat also suffers a flight of important voters who could vote for the Republican. And it is not just black, Hispanic and young voters in general, who tend to embody the North American left, but also moderate or centrists.

Analysts from both parties agree that it will be a brutal debate without proposals and with fierce attacks because there are no predictable barriers and because there is a lot of resentment in the midst of the judicial war.


Rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

It is obvious that Trump will focus on Biden’s weaknessesinflation vindicating past economic achievements, higher housing costs, massive illegal immigration, promising widespread deportation, growing insecurity, remembering the wall on the border with Mexico, and the controversial foreign agenda with the controversial role of the USA in the wars of Israel and Ukraine that could drag her into foreign wars.

He will also accuse him again of “lawfare” and he will say that all the judicial accusations are the work of judicial politicization implemented by the Democrats to deal with his failures and prevent him from returning to the White House.

You will surely question his suitability and point out his apparent senility reflected in his lapses in public events.

For his part, Joe Biden will highlight the condition of “convicted” of Trump. He will present it again as an existential threat to American democracy pointing to the mogul’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, his fueling the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and his vengeful threats that he will use power to punish his political enemies.

However, as Urgente24 told, that Democratic story among some undecided voters, that battle for “the survival of the country”, It seems to have no effect, or at least it does not resonate as much as Biden would like. A poll from the progressive newspaper Washington Post found that most respondents in swing states trusted Trump more than Biden to confront threats to democracy.

Likewise, it will maintain the eventual risk on issues such as the right to abortion or taxes with the return of Trump. The televised debate will be a good opportunity for Joe Biden to demonstrate his “strength” or “sharpness” defended by the Democratic media in the face of obvious signs of senility.

The second debate is scheduled for September 10 and will be broadcast on ABC.

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