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‘It wasn’t the best ending’

They have tried, but it has not been possible. María José Suárez, 49, and Álvaro Muñoz Escassi, also 49, have put an end to their love story. The Sevillian model was in charge of confirming it with a photo in which they appear kissing and the following message: “It’s over. In order to avoid speculation and fake news and with the same naturalness with which I share other aspects of my life with You, I tell you that Álvaro and I are no longer together. It was not the best ending for such a beautiful story.but as always I am left with the good moments experienced in these three years, which have been many.”

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The breakup of the couple has been a real surprise, since last week the rider assured that they had gotten married on the high seas during the cruise through Northern Europe that they took with little Elías, the son that María José had with her ex-husband. the Catalan businessman Jordi Nieto. “We got married on the boat,” Escassi told Gtresonline reporters awaiting his arrival at the Adolfo Suárez-Madrid Barajas airport. Although these types of celebrations are symbolic and do not imply any real or religious commitment, it made us all think that the couple were continuing with their relationship despite their differences.

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According to the Sevillian in the magazine HELLO!their love story began to falter just a few months ago.I asked Álvaro for time because I needed to spend more time with my son“, he declared. María José recognized with total sincerity that she could not lead the same pace of life as the rider “because I feel that I am missing a stage of my son’s life, I feel that I am failing him.” “Álvaro adores Elías , but when he tells me the plans we have I feel like sometimes he forgets that I have a child that I need to spend more time with.“he explained.

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Despite their spectacular trip and their symbolic wedding on the high seas, the one who was elected Miss Spain in 1996 assured that they had to continue fighting for their relationship. “Couples sometimes need to readjust. There came a time when Álvaro’s plans did not correspond to mine. In that process we are. I hope we can combine it because I have a six-year-old son who is my priority and if we can combine everything it would be perfect. If not, we will see each other when we can without that being a reason for analysis or crisis. “It’s a matter of prioritizing,” he told his followers.

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Finally, the couple has made the decision to separate and, judging by María José’s words, the breakup has not been idyllic. Furthermore, it has coincided with what would have been her third anniversary, since it was in June 2021 when the rider appeared in the Sevillian’s life. “During this time, Álvaro has said that he had never felt this way with any woman“said the model in HELLO!.

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Escassi, for his part, dedicated these beautiful words to the Sevillian hours before learning of their breakup.María José is an impressive person, I think she is one of the most impressive women in the world and I adore her, I love her very much.“he declared in Carlos Latre. Inimitablea gala to commemorate the showman’s 25-year career.

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First statements by María José Suárez after the breakup

Hours after confirming that she has broken up with Escassi, the model has reappeared with her usual smile in front of the press. “I’m fine, very fine,” she assured. “When you make a conscious decision that it is the best in the end it gives you strength“she added. María José did not want to give more details about the breakup, which seems to have not been very friendly. “I am not going to say anything that I have not already said on social networks, I hope that I am respected. We will continue to be well each one on their own“, he declared before entering his vehicle.

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