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attempted coup d’état in Bolivia, drafting keys

On the occasion of the events that occurred in Bolivia, a series of keys are offered below for the proper writing of related news.

1. Peacewith the article in capital letters

The correct way to write the name This Bolivian city is with the article in capital letterssince it is part of it: Peace.

2. In golpe d’état, State is written with a capital letter

The word State It is written with a capital letter when it refers to the powers and organs of a countryso it is written like this in the expression coup.

3. In Murillo square, square is written with lower case

The indicated thing is that in the name of roads and urban spaces, the generic term is lowercase and the capital letter is reserved for the specific one: Murillo Square.

4. Name of headquarters

As academic spelling points out, the names of the headquarters of institutions are written with capital letters (Big House of the People), but, If the generic term corresponds to the nature of the building, the lowercase letter is valid (Burnt Palace, Burnt Palace). In any case, campus is written with lower case (seat of government).

5. Article in the Big House of the People

To talk of the seat of the Bolivian Government, it is preferable to use the article: the Big House of the Peoplebetter than Big House of the People.

6. Cease It is also ‘to dismiss’

In addition to as intransitive (someone leaves a position), the verb cease It is used as a transitive, as an equivalent of remove (someone dismisses another person from a position).

7. Capital letters in Army and Government

The word Army It is written with a capital letter when talking about the body and with a lowercase letter when referring to a group of soldiers; besides, to Government The capital letter corresponds if it refers to the highest body of the executive power of a country.

8. The charges, with lower case

The proper way to write the positions, whatever their rank, are with lowercase letters: president, commander, general

9. Positions with prefix, proper writing

They are written in a single word and without a hyphen the charges of former president, vice presidentetc.

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