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the 3 most iconic moments of the 2020 debate

Tonight’s presidential debate between the current and former president of the United States, Joe Biden and Donald Trumpwill be reissued tonight after what happened in 2020. Back then, The exchange left more pearls for the networks than ideas themselves, so it is expected that this one will be similar.

On September 30, 2020, Trump and Biden They exchanged attacks and personal accusations that reflected the division that the country was experiencing. One of the most iconic moments was when the current president accused the Republican that everything What I was saying “is simply a lie.”. To which the democrat responded by immortalizing a phrase: “Joe, you are the liar.”.

Some experts point out that they will not be as entertaining as the 2020 editions, because both candidates are “rusty”. Neither of them debated since then, understandable due to Biden’s obligations, but not so for Trump, who did not show up to debate for any of the Republican Party.

More crossovers are expected like those that happened, when Trump, during the first debate, interrupted Biden at every moment, until he was filled with patience and launched: “Will you shut up, man??” Thrown off his axis by constant interruptions, he treated Trump as “liar” and “clown”.

The debate can be seen on all CNN, Fox News and ABC channels.


The most controversial moment of 2020 in the Biden-Trump debate

One of the most critical moments of that debate occurred after the moderator, Chris Wallace, took note of how the Republican had harassed Biden about the Antifa riots and asked him whether Trump would denounce white supremacyto which he replied that I would condemn violence of all kinds.

“Then do it,” responded Biden, who mentioned the Proud Boys as an example of a right-wing group“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” Trump said hastily before adding: “But I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about Antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem.”

This would have gone unnoticed, if Trump had not mentioned that if the elections were not fair, he could not accept it, laying the foundations for a possible rejection of the electoral result. Then it happened attack on the Capitolwhich is why the former president was investigated.

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