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UOM extraordinary non-remunerative increase. Agreement 2024.

Taking into account the exceptional and extraordinary circumstances that arose during the negotiation process that began the Joint 2024-2025 that prevented reaching an agreement previously, the parties agree that the companies included in the scope of representation of the signatory business chambers will carry out to the workers represented by the UOM and included in the scope of application of this agreement, an increase of an extraordinary, non-remunerative or non-contributory nature of a cumulative nature, which will be calculated on the hourly value amounts detailed effective from 1 of April, May 1 and June 1, 2024 in ANNEX I, also reaching the additional ones of CCT 260/75

The Extraordinary Assignment will be considered non-remunerative for the purposes of withholding and paying the contributions and contributions destined for the social security system, with the sole exception of the contributions and contributions established by Laws 23 660 and 23661 destined for the social security system. social work and union dues contributions and solidarity contributions paid by workers

The Parties record that, for the purposes of calculating the non-remunerative allocation agreed here, the values ​​indicated above will also be applied to the items overtime, vacations, seniority, additional agreement and Supplementary Annual Salary, and will be identified on the receipts. of salaries under the name “Non-Remunerative Allocation UOMRA Agreement April-June 2024.

UOM extraordinary non-remunerative increase. Agreement from April 2024.

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