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César Augusto Londoño protested the demolition of the statue of the bullfighter César Rincón and created controversy on the networks: “Cowardly abuser of animals”

The commentator indicated that it is an act of hate to remove the statue of the historic bullfighter – credit stock image

The removal of a statue of the bullfighter César Rincón in Duitama, Boyacá, has unleashed a strong controversy in Colombia.

The event, which took place officially on Wednesday, June 26, generated mixed reactions among bullfighting fans and animal rights activists. While the former consider the removal of the statue as an affront to history, the latter see it as a step towards transforming bullrings into cultural and market spaces.

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Sports journalist César Augusto Londoño spoke about the event on his social networks, generating even more controversy. Through his X account, Londoño described the action as an “act of hate and evil”. In his message, he expressed: “Surely the bulls will end, but vilifying a national glory like César Rincón, by tearing down his statue in Duitama, is an act that only has hatred and evil. Because of him, Colombia shone in the world and he is a good and decent man, not like these vandals politicized without reason”.

The sports journalist criticized the situation and sent a blow to a political sector of the country – credit @cesaralo/X

Londoño’s words caused a wave of reactions on social networks. Many Internet users questioned his position, arguing that a person who causes suffering to an animal should not be considered a national glory.. Others, however, defended the commentator, pointing out Rincón’s historical and cultural relevance to Colombia.

“Glory of what? Which world? Yes, that bullfighting crap is prohibited in 95% of the world. The guy is a criminal, animal abuser. Point (SIC)”, “National glory? It is a joke? We remind you that Congress has just approved a bill that criminalizes (finally) bullfighting. This guy has been another criminal in Colombia, an abusive and cowardly animal abuser. As it has been considered for years in almost the entire world (SIC)”, “Ombe César stop crying about EVERYTHING. Understand that the world is changed and PEOPLE like YOU Q only serve to criticize, after having been grieving like YOU with his phrase, AFTER the murder of their record friend GARZÓN they are no longer in the opinion of the people. SHIT Journalist (SIC)”, were some of the comments against the sports journalist.

Several comments questioned the sports commentator for his position – credit screenshot

But bullfighting comments defended the journalist and questioned whether they “teared down” the bullfighter’s monument. I agree with you, what they did with the statue of the bullfighter César Rincón seems disproportionate, humiliating and ridiculous. They got out of hand (SIC).”

In the midst of the reactions that what happened in Duitama last Wednesday, June 26, it was learned what will happen to the monument of the bullfighter Rincón. Despite the misinformation from some sectors that pointed to the destruction of the statue, The monument will be restored and relocated to another place, a museum that honors the history of bullfighting in the country.. According to the mayor of Duitama, José Luis Bohórquez.

“We decided to remove the statue tribute to bullfighting and César Rincón. We decided to move it to another location, after maintenance. May the old bullring be a square for everyone. “That where there was death, today life is celebrated, with culture, sports and peasant markets.”

The mayor of Duitama celebrated the action – credit @JLuisBohorquez/x

Within the framework of the anti-bullfighting law, the removal of the statue of the bullfighter César Rincón was justified. The reason is that the bullrings will be readapted to host other activities, such as peasant markets. Gustavo Bolívar, director of the Administrative Department for Social Prosperity (DPS), indicated that the statue will be relocated and that the bullring will have a new use.

“We were in Duitama launching a Social Prosperity program called ‘Life Transformations’ and which consists of the fact that since an anti-bullfighting law was approved we want to transform the bullrings into squares for everyone, that is, squares for multiple uses and one of them “It would be the peasant markets.”

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