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NASA shows 3D video of ‘The Pillars of Creation’: where can you see it? – The Sun of Mexico

“The Pillars of Creation” found within the Eagle Nebulaalso known as M16, became an iconic image captured by the James Hubble telescope of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1995, Now it is possible to see it in 3D.

The NASA explains that these pillars are part of an active star-forming region within the Eagle Nebula.where newborn stars “hide”.

The space agency details that the pillars “They are bathed in ultraviolet light from a cluster of young stars,” and explains that the winds from the stars within the nebula are gradually eroding the towers of gas and dust.

Although there were already quite detailed images of the pillars, where oxygen is seen in blue, sulfur in red, red and nitrogen and hydrogen in green, now a new visualization of the pillars in 3D, where you can see the Pillars of Creation in more detail. NASA explains that this was possible thanks to data provided by its Hubble and James Webb space telescopes.

What is known about the Pillars of Creation?

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration explains that the Pillars of Creation are gigantic gas formations which “extend approximately 4 to 5 light years” and are located within the Eagle Nebula, which extends 70 by 55 light years. It is worth mentioning that the nebula, also known as M16, was sighted for the first time in the 18th century, in 1745. This discovery was made by the Swiss astronomer Jean-Philippe Loys de Chéseaux.

This is located in the Serpens constellation, 7 thousand light years from Earth. NASA comments that the Eagle Nebula is visible even with small telescopes and it is recommended to see it in the month of July. However, if you want to observe the Pillars of Creation, a large telescope and good observing conditions are required to see the Pillars of Creation.

What is a nebula?

NASA explains that a nebula is a giant cloud of dust and gas found in space. Some have their origin in the explosion of a dying star, such as supernovae, while others are made up of regions where new stars begin to form, which is why they are called “star nurseries.”

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