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They improve the storage capacity of liquefied gas in Neuquén due to snow and strong winds

Given the weather alert that anticipates snowfall and strong winds in much of Neuquén, the company Hidrocarburos del Neuquén SA (HIDENESA) improved the stock of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in its plants. According to the statement, achieved a guaranteed supply horizon of three to four days, except in those localities where consumption is traditionally high.

In particular, The towns of Aluminé, Caviahue and Loncopué register such high LPG consumption that they require the shipment of one or two pieces of equipment per day to each plant. For these locations, a 23-ton equipment was available for storage.

The northern region of the province, recently affected by heavy snowfall, took additional measures. These include the collection of fuel (gas oil) for bulk equipment and the addition of a van with an operator destined to assist long-distance teams. that will transport liquefied gas to the Las Ovejas plant and then to Los Miches, Varvarco and Manzano Amargo.

Last week’s storm caused supply problems

Last week’s storm, which lasted for several days, complicated the supply of LPG in the towns of northern Neuquén. Although the plants had LPG for the networks, the stocks were generally for two days, which caused inconveniences. In addition, delays in traffic on the routes, especially in the La Primavera area, due to the accumulation of snow, ice and mud, forced the traffic speed to be reduced to 10-20 kilometers per hour, or even to be interrupted.

Problems with the electrical service also caused delays in loading and unloading liquefied gas at plants, Since pumps that run on electricity (220V) are used, they also affected the vaporization of the facilities.

The provision of liquefied petroleum gas in Neuquén not only depends on Hidenesa, but requires coordination with other state companies. Provincial roads play a crucial role, taking charge of clearing routes and roads, as well as access to plants to prevent equipment from getting stuck.

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