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Trump vs Biden: which candidate has more Latino supporters according to polls?

The race for the presidency of the country is already a fact. Although the parties still need to make their candidates official through the respective Conventions, the truth is that Trump and Biden have gathered enough delegates to make this possiblehence both will face his first presidential debate this Thursday nightJune 27th.

Since the event is organized by cnn, The debate will take place at the television station’s studios in Atlanta, Georgia, one of the states with the greatest relevance in the 2024 elections, therefore, in 2020, The current leader of the White House took the region’s electoral votes, however, the most recent polls lean towards Trump.

Coupled with the decline in Biden’s approval in Georgia, The Democrat also has less support from the African-American and Latino communities compared to 2020. So who is the Latino vote leaning towards this year? Next, We explain to you.

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Trump vs Biden: which candidate has more Latino supporters according to polls?

Prior to the first presidential debate, The current trend among Latino supporters leans more toward Donald Trump. With this, the Democrats They are losing the strong advantage they once had with the Latino community. According to Axios, 41% of Hispanic voters lean toward Trump while 38% lean toward Biden.

According to surveys, Latino support for Biden has declined because immigration issues have proven to be “a great uncertainty” for the current Administration.

“Immigration has proven to be lower on the list of concerns among Latinos. [Si bien] Immigration has never been the main issue for Latino voters, At several critical moments, it played a role in differentiating between the parties for Latinos, even among those who are not immigrants.explains Axios.

For its part, Trump has launched the “Latinos for Trump” coalition, with which he hopes to gain greater support from the community. However, in an attempt to fight the Republican, recently, Biden announced protection for half a million undocumented spouseswhich could help you raise your approval.

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