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These are the topics Americans are searching for on Google before the Biden vs. debate. trump


This Thursday is the first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trumpwithin the framework of the campaign towards the 2024 United States presidential election. During the face-to-face confrontation, both candidates will address different topics and develop their proposals with the aim of obtaining votes. In this context, a report by Google Trends revealed What are the topics that generate the greatest interest among Americans?.

In collaboration with the agency Associated Press, the most famous search engine on the internet, tracked the main searches so far this year. To present the statistics, they grouped the main queries into large thematic groups. For example, “economy” includes categories such as “economic growth” and “Gross Domestic Product (GDP).” Other big trends are crime, social security, health care, unemploymentimmigration, wages, abortion and more.

The debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be this Thursday, June 27 at 9 p.m. Eastern US and will be broadcast on CNN (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press/Morry Gash)

Although violent crimes in the US fell more than 15% in the first three months of this year, according to official data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, for its acronym in English), Crime appears as the most predominant issue in the concerns of the electoratealthough with a slight downward trend in recent weeks.

At the beginning of April, the health care (health care) represented the second greatest interest among Internet users, but little by little it gave way to issues related to social Securitywhich around mid-May became the biggest national concern after the crime.

The main topics associated with the elections that Americans search on GoogleAssociated Press

The economy It also occupied a relevant place three months ago, but it gradually lost weight compared to other specific topics such as unemployment and immigration, whose related searches have increased significantly in recent weeks. The immigration crisis facing the United Statessigned by the confrontation between Republican governors and President Bidenhad another chapter with the recent signing of a new executive order by Biden to close the border with Mexico to asylum seekers and migrants when the number of irregular entries into the country is excessive

The report shows other search trends, although with a smaller volume, such as minimum salaryhe abortionthe raceand the LGBTIQ+ community, which had a peak in searches at the beginning of June and then stabilized. Also inflation, Supplemental Security Income (SSIfor its acronym in English) and the United States Supreme Court.

Concerns vary by state. For example, in southern jurisdictions that border the border with Mexico, such as California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texasthe problem of the migration crisis is more significant than in the rest of that country, so the immigration occupies the first places in searches on Google.

The states where searches for crime-related topics are highestAssociated Press

Meanwhile, the crime arouses special interest in entities such as Washington DC, Oregon and Wyoming; while the social Security stands out in Mississippi, West Virginia and Arkansas. Meanwhile, the health care has a high search volume Utah, Washington DC and South Dakota. Lastly, the abortion prevails over the rest of the themes in Washington DC, Montana and Idaho.


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