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Neighbors of the Abel Amaya neighborhood in protest: Without gas and impassable streets

In the Abel Amaya neighborhood, a group of neighbors has started a notable protest with burning of roofs to draw attention to their urgent needs: the lack of connection to the gas network and the severe deterioration of the streets. According to testimonies from neighbors, the situation has reached a critical point, deeply affecting the quality of life of the community.

«The Municipality should put its hand on its heart and think about these things. “When the officials come to spend a night in our houses without gas, you go to bed and wake up cold,” said one of the affected neighbors, reflecting the general frustration at the lack of official response.

Marcos, another resident of the neighborhood, complained about the lack of municipal attention: “We are complaining about the gas issue and the maintenance of the streets. Nobody pays attention to us. It seems that we are not important to the Municipality.”

The lack of gas has forced many families to resort to gas bottles for heating, an expensive and temporary solution. “In winter, a bottle lasts a month, and on top of that it increased, it went to 13,000 pesos,” Marcos lamented, highlighting the significant economic impact for residents.

In addition, the situation is aggravated by the poor conditions of the streets, especially after the recent snowfall that left sectors impassable. “With the snowfall last week, many people fell due to the poor conditions of the streets,” Marcos commented, highlighting the urgent need for road maintenance.

Lucía, another neighbor, emphasized the precarious situation of children and elderly people: «We cannot spend another winter like this. “There are sick children and older people who cannot be helped due to the state of the streets.”

Neighbors have made multiple complaints to the Municipality, including a sit-in and public protests, but so far the responses have been insufficient. “The Municipality always waits for a misfortune to happen before doing something,” criticized Marcos, emphasizing the lack of preventive action by local authorities.

Source: Eco-Modorense

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