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Conspiracy theories about the presidential debate between Trump and Biden flood the internet

“Biden will be at Camp David for a full week before the debate, and… they’re probably experimenting with the right doses, pre-medicating him,” said Jackson, who is currently running for Congress in Texas with Trump’s backing.

Other politicians also weighed in.

“Trump’s team should not underestimate Joe Biden and his team’s ability to strengthen him with Mountain Dew [bebida carbonatada] or whatever,” said Missouri Representative Eric Burlison in an interview with Fox Businessand added that “look, in the [discurso del] State of the Union this year, he showed a lot of energy for an hour or an hour and a half.”

The network of influencers Pro-Trump and right-wingers on X and Telegram have embraced the conspiracy en masse, sharing clips of the former president’s comments and interviews with Jackson and Burlison.

On Telegram conspiracy channels, influential figures are spreading even wilder accusations about the debate, including multiple different claims that Biden is about to withdraw from the debate for medical reasons, and that a new Democratic candidate will be chosen or the 25th will be invoked. US amendment (allowing the country’s president to be removed from office if necessary) and Vice President Kamala Harris will become president. There is no evidence to support any of these claims.

Brenden Dilley, organizer of the Dilley Meme Team, described this week how his group would “take ownership of hashtags…and would push pro-Trump content” during the debate. Dilley, who defines himself as coach of life, was recently criticized for producing a video that called for the creation of a “unified Reich.” The material was posted on Trump’s Truth Social account.

Some right-wing media representatives and Trump supporters are also spreading conspiracies about the cnn and his alleged bias in favor of Biden.

Many conspiracy theorists in X are bringing up a theory from 2020, when they claimed that the cnn had given Biden the debate questions in advance. Jesse Watters, host of Fox News, he repeated the accusation Tuesday, referring to an article written by Hillary Clinton regarding the debate. “Hillary is giving Biden the answers and the cnn “He is probably making it easier for Biden to ask questions.”

This particular conspiracy is based on a small truth: in 2016, the former commentator of the cnn Donna Brazile, as reported Political He then alerted the Clinton campaign to a question that would be asked in a primary debate. However, there is no evidence that the cnn has leaked questions to the Biden campaign in 2020 or prior to this Thursday’s debate.

Meanwhile, the eternal troll and former Trump adviser Roger Stone brought up another old conspiracy about the debate, this time about the use of an earpiece. In 2020, Trump supporters and his campaign pressed the lie that Biden had worn a headset and microphone during a debate, providing no evidence other than blurry screenshots of a crease in the president’s shirt.

“No headphones!” Stone posted on X on Wednesday. “Trump should demand that he carefully inspect Biden to make sure he’s not wearing some perfectly concealed high-tech headset before the start of the debate on CNN.”

QAnon channels shared even more extreme conspiracies that, once again, recycled previous ones.

On a channel run by a member of the JFK-QAnon branch, which believes that Biden was arrested and is being played by an actor, one member argues that “Biden should not only take a drug test… he should take a drug test.” of DNA before the debate with Trump… Because, in all likelihood, it may not be Joe Biden.”

“The Sun is a simulation” and more conspiracy theories that are in fashion

It is not the first time that our star has become the target of conspiracy theorists, but the recent total eclipse has unleashed the most extreme fantasies.

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