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What do the “drinking games” that will take place during the Trump vs. presidential debate consist of? Biden


Tonight, at 9pm in Miami, Donald Trump and Joe Bidenboth pre-candidates in the next United States elections, will discuss the most important issues in the first presidential debate. This will not only be the prelude to the direction the country will take, but also the “drinking games” that will take place in homes, bars or anywhere with a television to tune in to the event.

The first presidential debate between current President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump will take place this ThursdayFacebook President Joe Biden/Truthsocial Donald J. Trump

These are games that involve sipping an alcoholic beverage every time something particular happens during an event. In the context of the dispute between Trump and Biden, these entertainments They focus on phrases and actions of the candidates.

Participants They create specific rules and every time one of these is met, they must take a sip of their drink.. These games not only add an element of fun to the debate, but also keep viewers attentive to every word and gesture of the candidates.

The “Drinking Games” consist of taking a sip of alcohol every time something happens at an event.Photo by Paul Einerhand on Unsplash

He New York Post proposed his own set of rules for tonight’s event. As per his instructions, participants must take a sip of their favorite drink every time Joe Biden mentions or says the following:

For Donald Trump, the rules are as follows:

Additionally, participants must take a sip every time any of the following situations occur:

If an agreement is reached between both parties, the media suggests that the participants will have to drink their entire cabinet of alcohol.

If during the 2024 presidential debate any of the candidates say a cliché word, the players will have to take a sip of their drink of choiceImage on Unsplash

USA Today proposes a game based on political clichés. Each player chooses a cliché or an expected line, such as “my countrymen” or “we, the people.” Each time it is uttered, the player drinks. The first person to finish their drink wins..


Not only are these games a fun way to follow the debate, but they also reflect the attention and interest generated by the US presidential election. “Drinking games” have become a tradition for many spectatorswhich adds a layer of entertainment to important political events.


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