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Ecopetrol will import gas from Venezuela starting in 2025 to guarantee supply

Bogotá, June 27 (EFECOM).- The Colombian state oil company Ecopetrol plans to import 100 Gbtud of gas from Venezuela starting next year to guarantee the supply of this hydrocarbon and fill the estimated 8% that would be missing in the national supply.

“We have made progress with (the Venezuelan state oil company) PDVSA Gas SAS and Cenit (transport company), our subsidiary, in making a physical tour of the entire installation in the Colombia section (of the Antonio Ricaurte gas pipeline), which is about 98 kilometers, and it has been identified that in a time window of between 10 and 14 months the gas pipeline could be ready,” said Ecopetrol president Ricardo Roa at a press conference on Thursday.

Roa presented the roadmap to ensure the supply of natural gas in the country and pointed out that there is an estimated shortage of 83 Gbtud (gas caloric unit) in 2025.

The company expects to supply 61 Gb/t with options from Colombian gas, in addition to the 100 Gb/t it hopes to import from Venezuela.

In May, Ecopetrol published a request for information to the market to see what alternatives there are for the receipt, storage and regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG), in which more than ten companies have expressed interest.

“The reception of indicative offers will be finalized in the first week of July and the contracting of services associated with LNG regasification is expected to begin in the second half of 2024,” Ecopetrol added in a statement.

The company’s strategy also foresees that in 2029 the country will receive gas from the offshore material discoveries of Uchuva, Gorgón and Glaucus, which have a potential of between four and 12 tera cubic feet and would allow the country to multiply its current reserves up to three times. .

“Ecopetrol is capable of guaranteeing the supply of natural gas to the country in the short, medium and long term,” Roa added. EFECOM


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