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The Minister of National Education announced an investment of 16 billion pesos for the development of Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in the country

The Minister of National Education announced an investment of 16 billion pesos for the development of Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in the country

Minister of National Education announced an investment of 16,000 million pesos for the development of Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in the country

Updated: June 27, 2024

715 educational institutions in the country, more than 25,000 students and 1,430 teachers who, in addition, will be supported by 1,200 trainers from the Tutoring for Learning and Comprehensive Training program (PTAFI 3.0) will benefit from the educational strategy Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation (CTEI).

  • The Ministry of National Education focused 12 and 4 educational institutions respectively for the implementation of the Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in municipalities served by the Certified Territorial Entities of Caldas and Manizales.

Manizales (Caldas), June 27, 2024. At the Miguel Antonio Caro Rural Educational Institution, the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara Figueroa, announced the investment of 16 billion pesos for the development of the pedagogical strategy Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation (CTEI), through which the National Government promotes, throughout the Colombian territory, its commitment to educational innovation and the contribution to the quality and equity of education in various dimensions.

During the launching ceremony held in the rural area of ​​the University City of Manizales, Minister Vergara presented the scope and impact that this important strategy will have in the country, especially in rural areas of municipalities that are part of the Territorial Development Program (PDET) and the Areas Most Affected by the Armed Conflict (Zomac), which is being implemented in collaboration with the EAFIT University.

“The Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation, in alliance with the EAFIT University, is a country project and a pedagogical strategy that is committed to educational innovation, contributing to quality, equity and the sustainable development of communities “said the Minister of Education, Aurora Vergara Figueroa.

This multimillion-dollar investment will benefit 715 educational institutions in the country, more than 25,000 students and 1,430 teachers who will be supported by 1,200 trainers from the Tutoring for Comprehensive Learning and Training program (PTAFI 3.0). These PTAFI tutors will receive training in mathematics applied to the development of critical thinking to strengthen the process of supporting teachers with the aim of improving their pedagogical practices.

The Centers of Interest strategy develops the implementation of programs that contribute to strengthening strategies for expanding and meaningful use of school time; the protection of educational trajectories to enhance student learning, provide people with the necessary tools for continuous learning, adaptation to changing environments and significant contribution to their communities and the country in order to contribute to comprehensive training of girls, boys, adolescents and young people, stimulating the development of vocations, skills and competencies in Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI), as foreseen by the National Government in the goals set within the National Development Plan in educational matters. .

“Our commitment with the Ministry of Education is to improve educational quality through science, technology and innovation, connecting knowledge with the problems of society. These Centers of Interest will allow institutions to stimulate scientific skills and develop knowledge innovative,” said Paola Podesta, vice-rector of Learning at EAFIT University.

In this sense, the Centers of Interest seek: 1) the strengthening of government and institutional management; 2. the curriculum and pedagogical practices; 3. the development of teaching capacities; and 4) the management of pedagogical knowledge from the strengthening of networks and alliances with relevant actors in innovation networks.

Centers of Interest in CTEI for Caldas and Manizales

The Ministry of Education focused 12 and 4 educational institutions respectively, for the implementation of the Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in municipalities served by the Certified Territorial Entities of Caldas and Manizales; Likewise, with the allocation of its own resources by the Departmental Education Secretariat, the provision of 8 more Centers of Interest is achieved, for a total of 20 in the department of Caldas. The Ministry provides the other components for the execution of the strategy, such as student support, training, monitoring and social appropriation.

Luis Herney Vargas, Secretary of Education of Caldas, stated the following: “The Centers of Interest of the Ministry of Education will strengthen skills in Science, Technology and Innovation in 20 educational institutions of the department, benefiting more than 2,000 boys, girls and young people from Caldas. “.

The Miguel Antonio Caro Rural Educational Institution is one of the four institutions focused on developing the Center of Interest in Manizales. This establishment also received robotics kits for the development of computational thinking in students of different grades, a technological assistant for work in the classroom with innovative technological means and 150 school kits for students.

“Manizales is going to invest 10,000 million pesos to strengthen science, technology and innovation with a STEM+ focus in our schools, because it is the great bet to transform the realities of the territory. The Centers of Interest of the Ministry of Education manage to leverage the educational quality of our territorial plans,” explained Andrés Felipe Betancourth, Secretary of Education of Manizales.

The Centers of Interest lay the foundations for a more just and equitable society, where everyone has access to quality learning opportunities that allow them to improve their lives and contribute to restoring human dignity. For this reason, the call from the Ministry of National Education is to continue working together to consolidate education as a fundamental right that ensures Colombians an education with quality and relevance.


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Minister of National Education announced an investment of 16,000 million pesos for the development of Centers of Interest in Science, Technology and Innovation in the country

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