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Biden vs Trump: A strong presidential debate – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Biden and Trump, the Democratic candidate and his Republican opponent today will star in a strong debate according to the campaign leading up to the November 5 elections.

The candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump They face each other today in a presidential debate that will leave a mark on American history. They are two different political projects and two different personalities who struggle to fulfill their ultimate dream of power.

The debate will begin at 9 p.m. (Eastern Time), will have two commercial breaks, and Biden and Trump will be alone in the CNN television studio. It will be 90 minutes that will impact the history of the United States.

Both will have ninety minutes to convince an almost infinite audience that does not trust their age to occupy the Oval Office.

The Democratic president and his Republican predecessor are scheduled to arrive two hours earlier in Atlanta, a city that has tightened security and is unforgiving in the summer heat. Near CNN, which has set strict rules for the debate, the police and secret service are moving in silence and access to the press centre is only possible with official accreditation and personal documentation.

Biden designed and trained his debate strategy at Camp David, the presidential residence located in Maryland. He worked long hours to practice his points and anticipate Trump’s likely attacks.

The president of the United States will take stock of his administration, explain from his perspective what will happen in the United States and the world if Trump wins, and will propose his government program for the next four years.

Biden knows that Trump will question his economic policy, the administration’s plans to contain undocumented migration and the lack of an effective geopolitical response to the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

The president also assumes that his predecessor will attack him for the criminal conviction of his son Hunter and for his age in relation to the responsibilities of the office.

At Camp David, a trusted adviser who worked with Barack Obama played Trump’s role in coaching Biden, who is aiming for one ultimate goal: to demonstrate that Trump does not respect democracy and that the future of the United States is in danger if he returns to the Oval Office.

In this context, Democratic advisers are expecting the worst in this debate, but unlike the public debate in 2020, CNN has ordered that the microphone of the candidate who is not speaking be turned off.

The Republican candidate considers that Biden’s 81 years is an electoral advantage to exploit, and he intends to use that diagonal to cause damage to the head of state. The social networks that respond to Trump have already multiplied certain videos about Biden – at the G7 in Italy and at an event in Los Angeles – and that strategy will have its correlation in the debate that will take place today in Atlanta.

Trump has experience in television studios, and unlike Biden, he did not practice with a script and a sparring partner. He dedicated himself to successive political talks with his trusted advisors – Chris LaCivita and Marco Rubio, for example – and reviewed the videos of his opponent to find spaces of hesitation and doubts with the aim of multiplying them.

That is Trump’s ultimate goal: to try to demonstrate that Biden, due to his age, can no longer occupy the Oval Office for four more years.

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