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Canada Day 2024. What is it, why is it celebrated and when? This is his story

Canada will celebrate one of its most important national days of the year soon: the Canada Day 2024.

This holiday is dedicated to celebrating the origin of the country as such and has, perhaps, the same importance at a national level as the 4th of July has in the United States, where the day of its founding is celebrated. independence.

Here we tell you everything you need to know about Canada Day, day of celebration in 2024 and its origin.

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He Canada Day either Canada’s day was originally called Dominion Day and Fête du Canada in French.

It was designated to commemorate the unification of the three British colonies. of North America into a new confederation: New Brunswick, New Scotland and the Province of Canada, which today is Ontario, Labrador and Quebec.

On July 1, 1867, Canada officially became a country with the Constitution Law which united three provinces into one nation. Although Canada was born as a country on this date, it took more than 100 years to gain independence from England in 1982.

The commemoration was initially established as Dominion Day in 1879, but was observed by few Canadians who did not consider themselves British citizens.

It was not until the 50th anniversary of confederation, in 1917, that it began to gain popularity among Canadians; for the hundredth anniversary, the Canadian Patriotic Spirit made the holiday take on other levels of importance.

Starting in 1967, the commemoration became an annual festival. He Canada Day was officially assigned in October 1946.

In 2024, the Canada Day, Canada’s day either Fête du Canada will be held on Monday July 1.

For the country, the date is a day federal holiday, in which school and public service workers have vacations.

In case the celebration falls on a Sunday, Canadians have the right to rest the following day, that is, Monday, July 2, and it is considered as legal holiday.

If the day falls on a Saturday, some companies and public servants give the following Monday as paid leave.

Canada Day is just as important to Canadians as the July 4th for Americans.

Parades and equestrian exhibitions are regularly organized throughout the country each year by the R SquadronCMP Musical Ride of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

There are public festivals, art and culture festivals, gastronomic exhibitions, sporting events and fireworks shows throughout the country during the night of the 1st of July.

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