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Who will win the Trump-Biden debate over the US elections, according to experts?


Although the outcome of the First presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump heading into the United States elections in November, expectations for the event that will take place this Thursday, June 27 from 9pm (local time) in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, they are very high. On an open stage Parity in the pollsspecialists warn that the performance of each one could be key in the electoral outcome.

In this type of debate there is usually no clear winner, but perceptions are very subjective. Often, the expectations that voters have before the event play a preponderant role. In this sense, a survey carried out by Ipsosone of the world’s largest market research and opinion polling companies, Expectations in this case are relatively low for both candidates, but especially for Biden, which is an advantage for the Democratic president.

Outside Democratic advisers advised Biden’s team to focus on Trump and not government achievements (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)Mark Schiefelbein – AP

“On average, likely voters gave him an expectations score of 2.58 out of 5, halfway between ‘about average’ and ‘poor’ (to Biden). That could be a advantage for the president, who if he achieves an average performance in the debate, will exceed the expectations of many Americans”, stated the report. In contrast, Trump obtained an average score of 2.96 out of 5, which places him almost average.

The debate will be under scrutiny from the start.Political analyst and former member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, Bakari Sellershe commented to cnn: “When you look at what’s going to happen tonight, “The most important moment will be the first 10 or 15 minutes of the debate.”

According to Sellers, Biden can appear forceful and able to get his point across. “People will listen to him,” said the expert, adding: “For Republicans, Joe Biden is a weak creature of the moment.” That is why, for the expert, the Democrat must go out and “put on a show in the first 15 minutes, before the first commercial break.” “I think he is more than capable of doing that,” he said.

For his part, the political analyst Isaac Schorr He commented in an article in The New York Post that The winner of the debate will be “whoever is able to paint his opponent as the ‘candidate of chaos’ of this electoral cycle”. “After eight years of taking Americans on a wild roller coaster, the task of Joe Biden and Donald Trump in their first debate is to convince them that they are uniquely prepared to stop it,” he explained.

Trump arrives at the debate with a verdict against him guilty of 34 criminal charges (AP Photo/Chris Szagola, File)Chris Szagola – FR170982 AP

In dialogue with Washington Post, Kate Bedingfield, former White House communications director during the Biden administration, anticipated: “Biden certainly knows what is at stake in this debate. So I think we can expect a really energized, engaged, aggressive Joe Biden to emerge.”.

The cnnthe event organizer, reported that Democratic outside advisers urged Biden’s team to have the president prioritize criticism of Trump rather than highlighting his administration’s achievements. In the same vein, the Democratic strategist Tim Hoganwho worked for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2016, said before Washington Post: “Biden’s goal is to remind voters that this is not a referendum on Biden; it’s a choice between him and Trump.”

For her part, the TV presenter, writer and media Sarah Elizabeth Cupp, better known as SE Cupp, He maintained that the key to the debate for the two candidates will be appealing to undecided voters. “Both have serious work to do, which requires them to do something that is difficult for most politicians: ignore your base. Trump’s base is solid, his supporters are not going anywhere. What he desperately needs is to reach out to independents and moderates. That means you’ll have to tone down your anger and insults.”, he reflected in dialogue with CNN.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden had already debated in 2020 when the Republican was President and the Democrat had not yet reached the White House (Copyright 2020 The Associated Press/Morry Gash)

Other experts say that the success or failure of the two contenders will depend on the details.. This is the case of Frank Luntza focus group moderator, pollster, professor and communications strategist who worked for Republican candidates in previous elections, who in an op-ed The New York Times He said: “The key moments that will have the greatest impact on the remaining undecided voters are those in which candidates attack each other in a definitive manner or they undermine the political case each wants to present to Americans.”

In that sense, many expect Biden’s questions towards Trump to be linked to the recent New York court verdict finding Republican guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal a hush money payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels. However, the editor and editor-in-chief of Cook Political Report, Amy Walterconsidered in dialogue with CNN: “So far, the issue of his felony conviction does not appear to have moved voters in one direction or another.”


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