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Who is Edna Elena Vega Rangel, the new head of Sedatu?


Vega Rangel has a degree in Sociology, with a specialty in Urban Sociology from the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), a master’s degree in Metropolitan Planning and a Doctor in Sociology with a specialty in Society and Territory, from the same university.

She has collaborated in the academic field with the UAM and the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACD) as a Full Professor and Research Professor.

She also participated with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) such as Casa y Ciudad and the Center for Housing and Urban Studies AC (CENVI). She worked as an independent consultant on urban development and housing issues, in addition to being an Expert in Urban Development, with updating diplomas from the UAM Xochimilco, UNAM, Seduvi, College of Architects and INP. During 2019, 2020 and 2021 she was awarded the Leaders in Concrete award, in the Leading Woman category.

In the field of public administration, he has participated in the following positions and activities:

  • Technical secretary of the Urban Development Commission of the then Legislative Assembly of the Federal District.
  • Director of Economic Development at the Historical Center Trust of Mexico City
  • Director General of Strategic Planning
  • General Director of the Housing Institute of the Federal District
  • Advisor at the Social Attorney’s Office
  • Director of Urban Development in Iztapalapa
  • Associate Researcher “C” in the Project on Environmental Impacts of Urban Growth in Mexico City at the Ecodevelopment Center

In 2018 she was appointed general director of the National Housing Commission (Conavi). In June 2022, the President of the Republic, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He appointed her as Undersecretary of Territorial and Agrarian Planning of Sedatu.

Read also: Who is Raquel Buenrostro, new Secretary of the Public Service?

Next administration with Claudia Sheinbaum

During the appointment of Edna Elena Vega Rangel, the virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, highlighted that one of her priorities will be the construction of one million homes, in coordination with the Institute of the National Workers’ Housing Fund (Infonavit).

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