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In the Abel Amaya neighborhood, they demand a gas network and machines to repair streets

In the Abel Amaya neighborhood of Comodoro Rivadavia they are demanding a gas network and the presence of machines to repair streets: “We are tired, we said enough is enough. We have been asking for gas and machines for a while because the neighborhood is constantly flooding. We didn’t get a response from anyone and they didn’t give us a hand, including the Neighborhood,” said the group’s spokespersons.

They indicated that the gas network extends to the intersection of Lisandro de la Torre and Chile and that their expansion is being discussed, although there was no progress in this regard. “With the low temperatures it was very difficult for us and the streets are impassable; It is very difficult to be able to circulate even on foot. “We want an answer because we are already tired,” the neighbors expressed through Time Chain.

“We carry out this claim so that they pay attention to us. We are doing this so that someone from the Municipality can come to us because the Neighborhood Association didn’t come to see us either. “Machines and gas are priorities.”

The residents who are demonstrating near Congreso Street, one of the main arteries of the sector, acknowledged that in case of rain it is “impossible” to enter beyond the vicinity of two heavily trafficked avenues such as Lisandro de la Torre and Kennedy, including Chile. “Because of the mud everything becomes impassable; the bus cannot make any journey even though the Patagonia Argentina terminal is in the area,” said Iván Bahamonde, spokesman for the protesters.

“They promised us gas and what we want is for solutions to be found. And we are asking for the presence of machines to be able to travel with a certain normality. There are many people who do not have a vehicle and there are children who go to school. When it rains, this is a river; “The houses flood and you can’t get through.”

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