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Trump’s niece joins Biden’s team on debate night

Washington, Jun 27 (EFE).- Mary Trump, niece of former US President Donald Trump (2017-2021), joined President Joe Biden’s team on Thursday as a special guest in the “spin room,” the space where the president’s team will comment to the press on Thursday night’s electoral debate.

Mary Trump is one of the voices chosen by the Democratic side to “speak about what is at stake in this election and the clear contrast on the issues that will define it,” a spokesperson said in a statement.

Key issues include strengthening the middle class, fighting for reproductive rights for all women, protecting democracy, and “the striking contrast between the character of each candidate.”

Mary Trump’s support for her uncle’s electoral rival is not surprising. The 59-year-old writer and psychologist has spoken publicly in the past about his “racism” and “incompetence.” “I used to feel sorry for him, but then I found that impossible,” she said in an interview more than three years ago.

“All my life I have witnessed my uncle’s narcissism and cruelty,” he stressed this Thursday in a statement released by the Biden campaign.

He stressed that “his sense of inferiority has always driven his jealousy and his pathological need to dominate others.”

“I am in Atlanta tonight to remind everyone of who he is as a person and how he would govern as president because there is too much at stake for us to make a mistake,” the niece added.

In his book ‘Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man’, published in 2020, he already put his family’s secrets on the table and reflected that in this family money was the only value, lies were accepted and apologies were seen as something typical of the weak.

The disagreement between the two has reached the courts. Last May, a New York court gave Trump the green light to sue his niece for her role as a source in an investigation by The New York Times into his finances.

The former president believes that Mary Trump violated the terms of the confidentiality agreement that was part of the agreement relating to the estate of Fred C. Trump, the former president’s father, who died in 1999.

In Biden’s “spin room” Democratic legislators such as Senator Raphael Warnock and Congressman Robert García will be alongside Mary Trump, as well as the campaign’s communications team.

Its Communications Director, Michael Tyler, noted that these people “are not only some of the most effective and trusted voices on the president’s agenda,” but they also represent his “broad and diverse” coalition and will help them ensure May your message reach the voters who will decide the November 5 elections.

(c) EFE Agency

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