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Fixed? The scandal of Aída Victoria Merlano for alleged infidelity of Westcol

Sand you know that Westcol is known for being one of the most watched characters on digital platforms, which recently led him to become co-president of one of the Kings League Americas teams. by Gerard Piqué. But outside its niche it has become Known for scandals of threats to journalists, for discriminatory comments and for aggressive and controversial actions.

While Aída Victoria Merlano, who was a law student, came to the public eye because her mother was convicted while she was a senator in Colombia. and her own daughter would have helped her escape from justice to settle in Venezuela. After this, the young woman not only gained recognition as an influencer, she also got naked in adult magazines and was convicted because In the alleged escape of his mother, Aída Merlano, he would have instrumentalized his minor brother for this purpose.

Well currently, in a relationship that many have described as It would have started out of convenience for the 2 network characters, they have tried to clarify that they really have a relationship and even live together in the paisa’s house. And now, when this alleged scandal of infidelity comes to light, it revives the rumor that there are many things done to be a trend and remain current, understanding that she was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison and is still paying her sentence in home and even left the country a couple of times.

What is known about the alleged infidelity scandal between Aída Victoria Merlano and Westcol?

Last Wednesday, June 26, 2024, while Westcol was broadcasting on the Kick platform, complaints began to be heard from Aída Victoria because on TikTok there was a woman who was revealing chats and details of an alleged infidelity. Everything was going live and the discussion, suspiciously, went out to all the followers of Luis Fernando Villa, real name of the paisa.

“There was an old lady making a TikTok, I didn’t pay attention to her, honestly, but I thought you were unfaithful to me, honestly. I thought you already knew. But they’re ‘funando’ you for being unfaithful”said the Barranquilla native, while Westcol tried to explain: “I know who that girl is, I’m sure it’s her. But I swear on my life, that God is seeing me with that old woman… Never, ever, ever”.

According to The ‘streamer’ is not the first time that he has experienced a rumor like this and that’s why he downplayed it and wanted to get out of this scene by postponing the conversation:

Right now I’ll show you why, suddenly, you get angry. Because there are things that, suddenly, you don’t like, but right now I’ll show you… It’s an old woman that I knew, we were in Dulcinea, the old woman wrote to me that I looked pretty from the window, but not a moment passed… ., it is in chats that I am very respectful, that I have very nice energy, but there are some messages that may make you angry… I don’t want to tell the real story here

However, Aída Victoria said in an annoyed tone, without going on camera: “You have to tell the story because everyone is telling me that you lifted me up in pieces”which led ‘West’ to say that he was accompanied by his friends in a nightclub in Medellin called ‘Dulcinea’ and there he received private messages from a woman who was there, who was later taken to the VIP area: “That day, there wasn’t a single woman… That old woman wrote to me from there and I think she was with her boyfriend because it was a ‘man’ who was next door. But she wrote to me that I look pretty from the window. I saw The old lady was beautiful and we brought her here, the old lady arrives, she fixes herself and stays with me for a while and there is a message that, I don’t want to say it here, because suddenly you…”.

Given this acceptance of what happened, Aída Victoria Merlano interrupted and said: “The old lady is showing the chats, the only thing left for you to do is tell what the f… happened”as Westcol implied that he was on a broadcast and that he had to show a private conversation that could upset his girlfriend and began to contradict himself with ’emoticons’ that he sent in the chat: “I can show the chats because there is nothing compromising, but there is something compromising because I send him smiley faces when he tells me that I have nice energy, so I send him smiley faces like this (covering his face). Those smiley faces are visible like that, but I didn’t respond to him… But there was a moment and it will be misinterpreted, but if I show it to you, you will get angry.”.

“Why would I get angry? You would be doing something bad”said Aída Victoria, taking everything to a more tense context. Meanwhile, Westcol continued telling details of what supposedly happened: “The old woman wanted to go with me, I swear on my life, she is hurt because I didn’t go with her”.

But when they talked about the context of the conversation, Westcol showed his cell phone to Aída Victoria and she noticed that the conversation started at the initiative of the streamer and the claim came, stating that she would start doing the same with other men:

What time did you write to her? You were the one who greeted her at 12 noon the next day, when you got up, that’s why she asks you how you remembered her. You were the one who greeted her… I love this, because I can flirt with the men I want, I think it’s really cool. You flirt with old women and I flirt with ‘men’

Well, Luis Villa tried to justify himself, he explained that the conversation took place via chat because the other woman insisted that she was never going to write to him and that’s why he wanted to be a person “of word”. But after a while of silence, still broadcasting live on Kick, Merlano read more responses from the chat between Westcol and this alleged woman, so he made a new claim: “What do you think about that? Is it okay for you? Is it normal for you? It’s to understand the new terms of our relationship.”at that time the paisa put the option to turn off the transmission and speak in private, which led to a new challenge from the controversial Barranquilla native, who has been involved in controversies over past relationships with famous people in Colombia:

I don’t want you to pay a shit… I want you to clarify things for me in the stream, because if she made things public, you clarify things publicly. I want to understand how you perceive that, if it seems right to you, if it is disrespectful, if it seems disloyal to you.

Westcol accepted that his behavior was wrong and she complained because she trusted her partner and found out about these situations through social networks: “You were in a nightclub because I’m super open-minded and I always say that my boyfriend can go wherever he wants because I know he behaves well. But you go to a nightclub just because I’m the cool one and you go up to an old one… You go up to the old woman, you get along with her”. But ‘West’ maintained his position: “I didn’t take the old lady for myself, I just kept patching things up… Look carefully, there’s nothing compromising or anything”.

Coincidentally, this scandal came to light when it became known that Aída Victoria Merlano underwent surgery because one of her breast prostheses had a problem, which is why she herself spoke about the issue while complaining to her boyfriend, with a lot of annoyance and typical Colombian rudeness: “I just had surgery and this shit hurts me, horrible. I’m not into fighting with you and I don’t fall into stupid fights. Tell me what the terms of our relationship are going to be to be clear, if you can do those things, I can do them too… If you find me something like that, what do you do? Do you break up with me or stay with me?.

According to the streamer, he would continue with his girlfriend, but he would be upset and they would have a serious conversation, so the woman began to ask him what came after this complicated situation and he tried to blame the woman who would have revealed those intimacies:

You should be angry… Try to understand me, that there was never any bad intention and, I swear on my life, that when we were going to leave, she wanted to go with us and I’m telling you this honestly: What you think should have happened, what she wanted to happen, was because I didn’t go with her, I didn’t want to go with her, we didn’t want to bring her, we didn’t want to be with her… She’s a bitter, hurt old woman. What is that old woman doing saying that?

Already in a more annoying tone, with disappointment and anger, Aída Victoria Merlano followed the complaints with several rude words: “My head is very hot, I’m not thinking clearly, I’m very pu… What has me the most pu… is the son… chat. My boyfriend flirting with the old woman, as if it were nothing. Do you think Am I an idiot or what is the shit…? I’m going to tell you something, I’m in a relationship, betting on love, supposedly because you have to build and I don’t know what the hell….

And when Westcol tried to calm her down, arguing that they were live, she raised her tone again, explaining that it was on purpose that she was making the claim in front of the paisa audience: “It’s just that they showed that shit live… And do you know what the most stupid thing… about the story is? I come out laughing… telling you why I believe you so much and I trust you so much, believing that everything was a lie “. And before turning off the broadcast, Westcol said: “You are failing because absolutely nothing happened”that angered the influencer more and the conversation ended.

Clarification from Westcol for the alleged infidelity to Aída Victoria Merlano

After a few hours, not only the videos and the comments went viral on social media, Screenshots of Westcol’s conversation with the womanshe turned out to be a model and owner of a women’s beauty business. Her name would be Nataly Morales and she made her profile private, but screenshots of her Instagram stories went viral.

Therefore, implying that everything had already been clarified off-camera, Westcol published a new video in which he explained the following, apologizing to Aída Victoria Merlano and pointing out the aforementioned woman:

I apologize to my girlfriend, whom I love with all my heart, because in the middle of this operation, I have to live through this situation. The old lady wrote to me yesterday and as I didn’t answer her again after a month, she decided to call attention again… Since he couldn’t do it, he went out to talk shit… He wrote to me yesterday, why do you think he wrote yesterday and today all that shit comes out…? Because I ignored his life. So, respect yourself, woman, and respect yourself too

The names of the ‘streamer’ and the ‘influencer’ became a trend, but just as on other occasions there were criticisms and doubts about the veracity of this relationship, many others took sides with one or the other.

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