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NASA affirms that by 2050 these areas of the planet will be uninhabitable, this is the shocking reason – Enséñame de Ciencia

Little by little, our planet Earth is suffering irreversible deterioration caused by human beings themselves, and now, thanks to studies carried out by NASA, we know that some parts of the world will be totally uninhabitable by 2050.

Human beings, for a long time, have been indiscriminately using the natural resources that the Earth offers us, but without doing anything to recover them, or at least, not contaminate.

All the damage we have done to planet Earth, the abuse of its resources, deforestation, polluting gases, chemicals dumped into the oceans, the extinction of various animal species through hunting and many other damages done over the years of our existence are taking their toll.

The consequences of all these carelessness made by the human race are currently being visible, since the natural imbalance that we have caused to the planet is reaching irreversible points, as mentioned by Non-Governmental Organizations, or NGOs, by their acronym.

To give further weight to the claim that Earth is at tipping points, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA, has conducted a study claiming to know that parts of the world will be uninhabitable for humans by 2050.

For this, NASA clarifies that one of the most worrying problems worldwide is global warming, since it has a mechanism in which it traps all the greenhouse gases trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere, which prevents the heat caused by the Sun from leaving the Earth as it should.

Taking this into account, NASA claims that if things continue as they are, there will be areas on the planet so hot that human life will be extremely difficult or simply impossible.

Image credit: BBVA

Between the areas that NASA assures will be uninhabitable in 2050 they find each other:

The shores of the Red Sea

Some countries of Pakistan

All South Asia

Several countries near the Persian Gulf

Over the years, these areas of the planet will exceed the amounts of heat that a human can withstand, turning them into deserts and incompatible with life.

Likewise, NASA reported other areas that will lose their capacity to support life, but, until the year 2070. Among these areas are mentioned:

Some countries in Brazil

All of eastern China

Specific areas of the United States

As you can see, the planet is losing its capacity to support life as we know it. But how did NASA come to that conclusion?

The study carried out by NASA was carried out with the use of an instrument called ‘wet bulb index’ which, according to the University of Colima, works by finding the relationship between the temperature of the planet, the air temperature and the humidity available in the atmosphere.

This was used to find the limit of ambient heat to which the human body can be exposed without suffering permanent damage.

After extensive research in various areas around the world and taking into account the characteristic of dissipating heat through human sweat, it was concluded that if an area exceeds 35 °C for 6 hours in a row, it can cause a destabilization in the human body that can be fatal.

This information is extremely worrying, since in many places in the world these temperatures are easily reached, and according to what NASA states, if this continues, part of our planet will become totally uninhabitable.

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