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Fernández Noroña does not break with the 4T, but accuses “sectarianism” of Morena

Gerardo Fernandez Noronarepresentative of the PT before the INE, gave up asking to lead a coordination or commission within the Senate in the next legislature. However, he questioned the Morena’s “sectarianism” and regretted that the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has supported this position.

In a press conference, he assured that he will not break the unity of the movement, although he called on the movement to rectify and respect the agreements.

“I heard, not without surprise, that the leader of our movement, the exceptional comrade President López Obrador, who assumed himself as guarantor of the unity of our movement and of compliance with the agreements in the internal process that determined the presidential candidacy of the 4T, he went back on his responsibility and his word,” he noted.

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“It is inconceivable that the fellow president maintains that the agreements on the responsibilities to be assumed, depending on the place obtained in the internal process, were only for Morena’s colleagues. He does not realize or does not want to see, which thereby disqualifies the allied parties and their militancy and that puts Morena’s militancy above the People of Mexico and our movement,” he said.

He pointed out that it is absurd and incongruous that a movement that is characterized by fighting for the equal rights of all people, tries to propose that there are first and second class militancy within the movement.

He maintained that in the agreement of the internal process between Morena, PT and the Green Party it was not, not even in “small letters”, that only Morena militants could access a position due to their place in the survey.

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“Or does that mean that they were sure that the Morena colleagues would be in the first three places? Does that mean that they never thought about the possibility that the proposal from the Labor Party or the Green Party would reach any of the first three places in the internal contest?” he asked.

He called on the members of the movement to speak out and set a precedent so that this situation does not happen again.

“This is not the first time that paths have been closed to me within the movement due to sheer meanness. I wish and demand that it be the last. I demand with all the strength of my voice that we do not allow this type of thing to prevail within our movement, because it would lead to deterioration and would distance us from the objectives of serving the People and the country with honor and patriotism. Who could trust a movement if it is known that one of its most prominent figures is being disrespected, disqualified, vilified, disrespected and accused of being vulgarly ambitious for the sole fact of asking that agreements be honored,” he said.

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Meanwhile, he said that this Thursday he will meet with the president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum, at her transition house.

In recent days, the senator elected by Morena proposed carrying out a survey to appoint the coordinator of the Upper House

“I am a Senator, I want to coordinate, I am not asking for a place in the cabinet, Adán Agusto is outlined for the Chamber of Senators, Monreal for the Chamber of Deputies, but I am raising my hand and saying that a survey be done”he assured during a video talk.

“There is no reason to consider discussion over charges“, he assured Claudia Sheinbaumvirtual president-elect, in the face of accusations by Gerardo Fernández Noronasenator-elect Brunettethat a survey be conducted to define the coordination of the Upper House.

“Gerardo is a colleague that we value a lot in the movement. And I said it the other day, he entered the poll proposed by the PT, just as Manuel Velasco entered the poll proposed by the Green Party,” he highlighted at a press conference.

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