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Gerardo Fernández Noroña gives up on running for office; he reproaches Morena for “proposing first and second class militancy”

Gerardo Fernández Noroña gives up fighting for the post; he reproaches Morena for “proposing first and second class militancy” (X/DiputadosPTLXV)

Gerardo Fernandez Noronafederal deputy for the PT, surrenders to imposition of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, virtual president-elect, and He denied that he will continue seeking a position in the cabinet or as coordinator of Senators in the Congress of the Union.

In a press conference, Fernández Noroña assured that will not request to head any Commission or position within the Chamber of Senators once the next legislative session in the Congress of the Union begins.

Likewise, he clarified that this situation will not be a reason to generate a break within the movementdespite the controversy caused by his statements and declarations against Morena for not complying with the agreement.

“From this moment, I announce that I will not apply to head any Commission or position within the Senate. Despite everything, this situation under no circumstances will it cause me to break the unity of the movement”, he commented.

Fernández Noroña assured that he will not request to head any Commission or position within the Chamber of Senators (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

However, Fernández Noroña’s abstention comes with criticism of the statements of the President López Obrador, who at the June 26 conference said that the agreement for the distribution of positions applied only for morenistas who participated in the internal process.

He accused that although the movement “fight for equal rights” and has the motto “for the good of all, the poor first”, now López Obrador aims to raise first and second militancy. disqualifying the allied parties of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition.

“(López Obrador) does not realize or does not want that with this disqualifies the allied parties and their militancy and puts the militancy of Morena above the people of Mexico and our movement, it is an absurdity and a monumental incongruity that in a movement that is characterized by fighting for the equality of rights of all people and whose motto is for the good of all, the poor first I now intend to claim that there is first-class and second-class militancy within our movement.“, he reproached.

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