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The Government reverses the increases in electricity and gas prices in July – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

The Government will cancel the planned increases in electricity and natural gas rates, sources from the Ministry of Economy confirmed to

The decision of the portfolio headed by Luis Caputo is based on the fact that there were already increases in June. In addition, the new increases would have a great impact on income due to seasonality, since it is one of the months with the highest consumption of both gas and electricity due to cold temperatures.

On the other hand, the Liquid Fuel Tax will only increase by 1%, therefore the price of gasoline will not increase by 18% from July 1 as expected.

The latest increases in electricity

In June, the Secretariat decided that for high-income households (N1) the impact of the PEST update will be total. While for low-income households (N2) and middle-income households (N3) a bonus of 71.9% and 55.9% will be applied to that value.

In June, the Energy Secretariat established that for average residential consumption of 260 kWh, the average value of the final monthly bills will be the following, according to the level of segmentation:

N1 (high income) will go from $24,710 to $30,355 (+22.84%)

N3 (average income) will go from $6,585 to $16,850 (+155.88%)

N2 (low income) will go from $6,295 to $12,545 (+99.28%)

In addition, new consumption caps have been set. High-income households have no caps. For middle-income users, the new cap on the subsidized amount will be 250 kWh/month, which was previously 400 kWh/month.

Those with low incomes, for their part, will have a maximum subsidized consumption of 350 kWh/month, “removing the fact that these users did not have any limit on subsidized consumption,” said Energía.

Regarding the new consumption limits for electrical users without access to the natural gas service through networks and indiluted propane gas through networks, located in certain bioclimatic zones, it was set at 500 kWh/month for the N3 and 700 kWh/month for the N2, only for the period from June 1 to August 31, 2024.

Latest increases in gas

The average value of the final monthly invoices will be as follows:

N1 with an average consumption of 149 m3, will go from $25,756 to $28,142 (+9.20%)

N3 with an average consumption of 171 m3, will go from $24,465 to $26,865 (+9.80%)

N2 with an average consumption of 159 m3, will go from $15,638 to $20,797 (+32.99%)

The Ministry of Energy clarified that “specific subsidy regimes such as Social Rate and Cold Zone will be maintained.”


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