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“People think too much about it”: this is how the director of ‘Aquaman’ solved what could have been a big problem in the film – Movie news

Setting up a shared universe is not an easy task, although Marvel has made it seem otherwise. When many creative minds enter the process, decisions can be made that are limitations for those who come later, or even They can find themselves in quite a bind. to be able to make the following films.

It almost happened to James Wan when it came to making Aquaman after the DC Universe had already released several films, including one of The Justice League where Jason Momoa’s character is truly introduced. He also starts from his world and his rules, with Some peculiarities that Wan had to deal with.

Specifically, the director had inherited a detail that would have been a very serious problem. In Justice League we see how Arthur Curry, Aquaman, communicates with the rest of the characters in the aquatic world of Atlantis through air bubbles. In this film they did not communicate underwater, and they had to find space to communicate.

Calming the waters

Sure, that could be valid for specific moments, but it becomes It is impossible to make a whole film with that limitation.. Many fans feared the worst in the face of Aquaman Considering this detail, wondering how the problem would be solved. Wan’s solution was to ignore it completely and have them talk underwater.

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“People give it too much thought,” the director commented. Entertainment Weekly at the time of the premiere to calm the waters. Taking advantage of a certain freedom at that time for the DC Universe, set its own rules and made it possible for the film to proceed through more conventional channels. That led to the success of a film that will be seen on television today through La Sexta, starting at 10:30 p.m.

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