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US presidential debate live | Biden and Trump face off in a face-to-face that could decide the election

How are the candidates doing in the polls?

Biden is probably the one with the most at stake. According to polls, if the election were held now, Trump would be elected president. According to the vast majority of polls, he has the lead in most of the decisive states, those that are expected to tip the result one way or the other with their Electoral College delegates (the election is indirect and as a general rule, the winner in a state takes all of that state’s electoral votes, equivalent to its representation in Congress). These states are mainly Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia, where the debate is taking place.

However, Biden has begun to see the light. The general voting intention is very close and although the majority of survey aggregators – including media experts such as The New York Times or The Washington Post and specialists such as RealClearPolitics, Race to the White House and Decision Desk HQ – still place the to the Republican, one of the most prestigious, FiveThirtyEight, places Biden with an advantage of 0.1 points. That would not be enough to win in the Electoral College, but it is the first time that he has been ahead in the popular vote since said aggregator began its series almost four months ago.

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