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Fernández Noroña now demands AMLO and points out “sectarianism”

MEXICO CITY (apro).- Dissatisfied with Morena’s decision not to give him the coordination of the senators in the next legislature, as was his duty for reaching third place in the poll for the presidential candidacy, Gerardo Fernández Noroña today intensified his claims to the point of splashing the “exceptional fellow president” Andrés Manuel López Obrador, whom he accused of “reneging on his responsibility and his word” and of promoting “sectarianism.”

“It is inconceivable that the fellow president maintains that the agreements on the responsibilities to be assumed, depending on the position obtained in the internal process, were only for Morena colleagues,” lamented the politician, who added that the president “disqualified” his allied parties and put the Morena militancy “above the people of Mexico.”

Noroña, still representative of the Labor Party (PT) in the National Electoral Institute (INE), went to the electoral referee’s premises today with a speech that he read to the press before starting the general council session.

The politician referred to the comments of López Obrador, who he heard “not without surprise” state yesterday that the agreement that governed the internal competition of Morena only contemplated the distribution of positions for the four militants of Morena, but not for those of the PT and the PVEM.

Noroña rejected that the agreement stipulated this limitation – not even in “small print,” he said – and described it as “inconceivable” that López Obrador would raise it, since it would be equivalent to saying that “there are first- and second-class militancy within the movement.”

“It is not the first time that my paths have been closed within the movement due to pure meanness,” denounced Noroña, who said he was the target of disqualifications, vituperations and lack of respect, and asserted that he is intended to be “marked as being vulgarly ambitious for the sole reason.” asking that the agreements be honored.

Noroña has been complaining for two days about the distribution of positions to the candidates who competed for the Morena-PT-PVEM alliance candidacy, since the Morena leadership gave the coordination of the official bench in the Senate to Adán Augusto López Hernández, despite the fact that he was supposed to be the coordinator of deputies, since he was in fourth place in the survey. Ricardo Monreal Ávila, who obtained the last place, received the coordination of Morena in San Lázaro, a position reserved for fourth place.

On the other hand, Morena did not hand over any relevant position to Noroña, who came unexpectedly in third place in the survey, which should have assured Morena’s coordination in the Senate.

If this is the case, Noroña will only be a senator for the cherry-colored party in the next six-year term. After stating that he will not break “the unity in the movement” and that he is not seeking any special commission or function in the Senate, he announced a meeting this Thursday with the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo.

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