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allies of Biden and Trump

Atlanta (USA) (EFE).- Allies of US President Joe Biden and former Republican President Donald Trump (2017-2021) are warming up the run-up to the first electoral debate on Thursday with promotions of their respective candidates in front of the press and attacks on their rivals.

This is how the famous ‘spin room’ works, a space located in a basketball stadium next to the CNN studios where the face-to-face will later be held, which serves as a place for campaigns to expose the virtues of their candidate and the evils of their opponent.

Newsom: I am concerned about Trump’s mental capacity

Two of the politicians chosen for this task are the governor of California, Democrat Gavin Newsom, and Republican Congressman Byron Donalds, who sounds like a possible vice president for Trump ahead of the November 5 elections.

Newsom was asked about doubts about Biden because of his advanced age, 81, and he replied that it is not about the candidates’ age, but about how old their ideas are.

In this regard, he argued that the current president is making the United States “move forward” while his predecessor wants to take the country back to the 1950s with his policies, such as restrictions on access to abortion.

“What worries me is Trump’s mental capacity. I’m worried about his ability to control himself,” he replied.

Newsom, one of the freshest faces in the Democratic Party, also tried to appeal to the youth vote, saying that Biden is the one who defends his ideas.

And when questioned about Biden’s policy towards Gaza, which has generated disaffection among part of the Democratic electorate, the governor asked to look at the other side: “This is a choice between two. Donald Trump has not expressed any empathy towards the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

Donalds: Biden will launch “insults” in the debate

In another huddle with reporters, Donalds attacked the Democratic president for having been locked up with his team in the presidential residence at Camp David since last week to prepare for the debate.

“I don’t remember any president in modern times who has disappeared for eight days just to prepare for a debate. That worries me as an American because neither the world nor the problems stop,” Donalds attacked.

For the congressman, Trump will have triumphed in the debate if he manages to explain “his program” to the Americans and he predicted that it will be Biden who will launch the “insults” during the face-to-face because, in his opinion, he has nothing more to offer.

The congressman ruled out that Trump’s recent conviction in a trial in New York will affect him because “neither the polls nor his campaign’s fundraising have been damaged.”

Asked if he expected to be the Republican’s vice presidential pick, Donalds replied matter-of-factly: “Donald Trump will make the decision. We’ll see what happens.”

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