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Trump does not answer whether he would support the creation of a Palestinian state

Atlanta (USA), June 27 (EFE).- The former Republican president of the United States Donald Trump avoided answering this Thursday the question about whether he would support the creation of a Palestinian State, during the electoral debate with the current president, the Democrat Joe Biden.

“I’d have to see,” she said when asked about the issue by moderator Dana Bash, before changing the subject and criticising European countries for not contributing enough money to NATO.

Regarding the war in Gaza, a central issue in the electoral campaign, Biden recalled that he is pressing for Israel and Hamas to close a ceasefire agreement that allows the release of the hostages.

When the president said that his Administration has defended and “saved” Israel, the Republican shook his head.

Biden has shown firm support for the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip, invoking Israel’s right to defend itself, although over time he has clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the high number of civilian casualties and the blockade of humanitarian aid.

Democrats fear their stance on the Gaza war will cost them among young voters and among Arab and Muslim populations in key states like Michigan.

The alternative, Trump, is no standard-bearer for the Palestinian cause and when he was in the White House (2017-2021) he decided to promote the normalization of relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors, leaving aside the two-state solution.

The Republican was an ally of Netanyahu, but the relationship between the two has cooled in recent years. Trump has not commented much on the conflict but believes that Israel should have “ended” the war by now. EFE



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