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Joe Biden exploits and insults Donald Trump in the presidential debate

The United States presidential debate It became intensely personal and combative, as the president, Joe Bidendid not hesitate to express his indignation towards his opponent, the former president Donald Trump.

In one of the most tense sections of the debate, Biden launched strong accusations and direct offenses towards Trump, who was attacking the president on several occasions.

Bidenvisibly upset, called trump of “dumb” and “loser.” These words came up during a discussion about respect for veterans, a topic that Joe Biden approached with considerable emotional baggage.

“My son was not a loser or a fool. You are the fool. You are the loser,” he said. Biden, referring to his late son, Beau Biden, who served in the army. The Democratic president took advantage of this moment to accuse Trump of disrespecting veterans, a claim that has been a recurring point of friction between both leaders.

Joe Biden attacks Donald Trump

Gerald Herbert / AP-LaPresse

Beau Biden, who passed away in 2015, was a prominent member of the armed forces and a respected veteran. His memory and legacy have been a fundamental part of the speech of Joe Biden, especially when it comes to military and veterans issues.

The president used the memory of his son as a powerful argument to emphasize what he considers a lack of respect for trump towards those who have served the country.

The exchange between Biden and Trumpp not only underlines the deep animosity between the two, but also reflects the broader divisions in the country. While Biden passionately defends veterans and criticizes Trump for his comments and behavior, the former president has maintained a defiant stance, denying any disrespect and accusing Biden of using his son for political purposes.

Daniel Ballesteros

This debate has made it clear that the upcoming elections will be fiercely contested, with personal and emotional issues playing a crucial role in the rhetoric of both candidates. Spanish-speaking voters in USAlike other demographic groups, will be watching these confrontations closely as they look for leaders who represent and respect their values ​​and concerns.

In short, the confrontation between Joe Biden and Donald Trump During the debate, he not only highlights current tensions, but also highlights the deeply personal and emotional issues that will continue to shape American politics in the months ahead.

Joe Biden: Voting for Trump is voting against democracy

Joe Biden issued a stern warning to voters by stating that electing donald trump in the next elections it would be a direct attack on the democratic principles of the country.

Biden He argued that the former president does not understand the true meaning of American democracy and that a vote for Trump is, in essence, a vote against democratic values.

“The more I learn about what he has done, yes, I believe it,” he replied. Biden when asked if the millions of Americans who support Trump in November will be voting against democracy.

Martin Mena

Emphasizing his point, Biden He added: “This guy has no sense of what American democracy is.” Additionally, he reminded voters that trump He faces numerous court cases and legal problems that question his ability to lead the country.

The president of USA He also stressed that, although the outcome of the courts is uncertain, it is clear that Trump has “a real problem.” The Democratic president did not spare criticism, assuring that Trump “is discredited everywhere.”

Donald Trump attacked Joe Biden in the presidential debate

donald trump He was quick to respond, attacking Biden and questioning his ability to hold the presidency, stating that Joe Biden “He is not ready to be president” and called him “the worst president of the worst presidency in the history” of the United States.

Donald Trump was attacking Joe Biden

Gerald Herbert / AP-LaPresse

According to Trump, There should be no debate about the ineptitude of Biden for the position, and held him responsible for the current state of the economy, immigration policy and international conflicts, insisting that Biden is “the worst president in history.”

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