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Pernod Ricard celebrated the circular economy at “Responsib’all Day 2024”

At a global level, the multinational company specialized in spirits, Pernod Ricard celebrated its “Responsib’all Day” worldwide. In Mexico, he held his 12th. edition in Ciudad Retoño (Edomex), Arandas, and in the state of Oaxaca.

Pernod Ricard celebrated the circular economy at “Responsib’all Day 2024”

He “Responsib’all Day 2024” which promotes environmental awareness through participatory activities, workshops and conferences given by specialists in environmental care, with the participation of more than 20,000 employees.

Monica Rodriguez, Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Pernod Ricardwhich this year focused on the “Circular Economy” and addressing the Overshoot Daythe date on which humanity’s demand for resources and ecological services in a given year exceeds what the Earth can regenerate in that year, emphasizing the urgency of adopting consumption and production patterns with sustainable practices to mitigate environmental impact.

Fun and awareness-raising workshops

The Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Pernod Ricard

explained that in addition to presenting the actions that the company carries out in its different business divisions in the countries and federal entities of Mexico such as water care, recycling, packaging, energy saving, among others, which are shared so that they can be emulated, as part of the “Responsib’all Day” activities, workshops are held with the support of the Cauce Ciudado Foundationa non-profit organization that provides support, resources and tools for the community to sustainably improve their living conditions, and whose new headquarters are located in Sapling City (Los Reyes, La Paz, Edomex).

The workshops were attended by employees of the operation of Pernod Ricard Mexico among which were: Artistic Recycling, Composting, Ecological Footprint, Binding, Eco-fin, Recycled Mural, Textile Upcycling, Holistic Sustainability, Recycling Zone, Insect Hotel and Pollinator Garden, Water at Home, Painting, Green Lifestyle.

At the magisterial conference Arturo Allende Islandsenvironmental activist who spoke about climate change and the importance of individual actions, and said: “People believe that environmental care measures such as, for example, taking care of water from home do not help, but Of course they do help if we all do it,” he mentioned.

Likewise, from Arandas, Jalisco, the speaker Mel Veytía from “Vive Sin Basura” participated, an influencer and environmental activist who in collaboration with Alternative Agroindustry Optimization Center (COAA) presented the conference: I am only one person, what can I do?

In addition, the company’s collaborators in Arandas and Oaxaca participated in a workshop for transforming vinasse and bagasse to turn them into ecological bricks. They worked from the mixture to the finished bricks that will become the foundations of a space donated to the Casa Hogar San Francisco de Asís y la Niña Milagrosa AC

The Director of Sustainability and Social Responsibility of Pernod Ricard Latin AmericaMónica Rodriguez said that they are achieving their goals in terms of production, circularity, and responsible consumption. She mentioned that they are about to enter a legal framework that governs in Europe, and that will challenge them to achieve more ambitious goals in terms of environmental care.

And he concludes: “Today, we had a wonderful experience in which we had the opportunity to learn things about everyday circularity; how we can make a difference in our daily lives at home, in the office. We had various practical and theoretical workshops where we learned that with this type of actions we can make a difference.”

Pernod Ricard Mexicoone of the five most important companies in the

spirits industry in Mexico, with a market share of 7.2%.

The Market Company called Pernod Ricard Mexico It is part of the region of EMEA-LATAM (Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America) which is made up of countries with similar consumption trends within the spirits industry.

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