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Ceviche Day: How do Peru’s most renowned chefs prepare this dish?

Learn the tips to prepare the best ceviche. (Composition: Infobae)

Each June 28thPeru celebrates National Ceviche Day, a special date on the calendar gastronomic dedicated to one of the most representative and appreciated dishes of the country. This year, the celebration takes on particular relevance, since ceviche was declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO last year, confirming its historical, social and culinary value.

Today, ceviche is not only a symbol of Peruvian gastronomy, but also a reflection of the history and cultural diversity of the country. Since the more traditional versions until contemporary innovationsceviche continues to evolve, maintaining its essence and conquering palates around the world.

For this reason, each chef brings his personal touch, from the simplicity of Virgilio Martínez to the fusions of Micha, the precision of Tomas Matsufuji and the classic preparation of Gastón Acurio. In this article, discover the secrets of some of the best chefs in Peru.

  • Micha and the Nissei ceviche
Nissei Ceviche from the hands of Mitsuharu Tsumura. (Maido)

Chef Micha shares his recipe for the Nissei cevichea fusion of flavors that reflects the cultural diversity of Peru. Main ingredients include:

  • White fish
  • silverside
  • fan shells
  • All paired with chili and leche de tigre (mixture of lemon juice, salt, chili and cilantro).

The key is in quickly mix the ingredients to prevent the fish from overcooking. The final presentation includes Fish cracklings and mountain pitchproviding a crunchy texture that contrasts with the softness of the fish.

  • Virgilio Martínez and the perfect ceviche
Peruvian ceviche, a delight for the senses! Enjoy the fresh and vibrant flavors of this iconic preparation. Photo: Andina

Virgilio Martínez, owner of Central, recognized as the best restaurant in the world by The World’s Best 50 Restaurants in 2023reveals his ideal recipe for ceviche.

According to him, the perfect ceviche is achieved with five essential ingredients: a good White fish, onion, chili, salt and lemonThe freshness and quality of these ingredients are crucial. “After that ceviche, which for me is perfection, because it is the ceviche I grew up with, all the variations come,” he said. From the addition of sweet fruits to chifa touches, the possibilities are endless, but the essence is always in simplicity and quality.

  • Tomás Matsufuji and his precise technique
Ceviche by Tomás Matsufuji. (Composition: Infobae)

Thomas Matsufuji, known for its precision and attention to detail, uses cabrilla in its ceviche recipe. The process begins with cutting the fish into uniform pieces, followed by preparing tiger’s milk with salt, lemon, ground garlic and ají limo. The mixture is completed with julienned red onion and coriander, creating a perfect balance of flavors. Matsufuji highlights that the balance between lemon juice and salt is essential to obtain a balanced ceviche.

  • Gastón Acurio and his Classic Ceviche
Ceviche by Gastón Acurio.

Gastón Acurio, one of the most influential promoters of Peruvian gastronomy, shares his classic ceviche recipe. He uses:

  • Fresh fish of the day
  • Mixed with corn, sweet potatoes
  • Classic Tiger’s Milk
  • lemon juice
  • Chopped chilli
  • Red onion julienned

The Tiger milka mixture of celery, red onion, chilli, coriander, fish stock, garlic, white fish offal and lime juice, is essential for the marinade. Gaston Acurio highlights the importance of a brief marinade to maintain the texture of the fish and prevent overcooking.

The chef Mg. Margaret Rodriguez Vasquezteacher of the Culinary Arts Degree at the San Ignacio de Loyola Universityoffers crucial tips for preparing a traditional peruvian ceviche.

  • Fish selection: It is recommended to choose one white, firm and fresh, such as sole or sea bass, ideal for ceviche due to its firm texture and mild flavor. According to chef Rodríguez, “this allows the fish to absorb the lemon juice well.” without completely falling apartmaintaining its integrity and freshness in every bite.”
  • The perfect marinating time: An average time of between 5 and 15 minutes is ideal. “After this time, the fish will begin to about cooking”, explained the chef.
  • Proportion of lemon juice: It is recommended to use a cup of lemon juice For each 500 grams of fish cut into cubesUse green lemon or Creole lemon for its balanced acidity and citrus aroma.
  • Fish cutting techniques: Cut the fish into small, even cubes to ensure homogeneous marinade and a pleasant texture when serving. The precise cut allows the lemon juice to penetrate properly and cook the fish evenly.
  • Essential condiments: Don’t forget to include Garlic and ginger in your preparation to give it that special touch that characterizes Peruvian ceviche.
  • Recommended Sides: Classic sides for ceviche include parboiled sweet potato, corn, fried yucca or fieldThese complement the freshness of the ceviche with contrasting flavors and textures.
This department of Peru has a great variety of unique avocados. (Trujillo Peru)

He Ceviche has a rich and complex history which dates back to pre-Incan times, specifically with the Mochica culture. This civilization created a dish based on fresh fish marinated in the juice of a citrus fruit called “tomb”in addition to using local herbs in its preparation. The Moche people cut the fish into pieces and seasoned it with salt, lemon, lime and tumbos, quickly incorporating it into their daily diet.

After the arrival of the Incasceviche underwent modifications with the addition of new ingredients such as cancha, sweet potato and yuca, products of the mountains of Peru. These elements enriched the original recipe, providing different flavors and textures. During this time, it is believed that the name “ceviche” was coined, derived from the Quechua term “siwichi”which means fresh or tender fish.

With the arrival of the Spaniards and Asian immigrantsthe ceviche recipe was transformed again. Lemon was incorporated as one of the main ingredients, and the technique of maceration with this citrus fruit was introduced, becoming the dish that today is enjoyed by both Peruvians and foreigners around the world. One of the first written recipes for Peruvian ceviche was in 1866 by Manuel Atanasio Fuentes, a writer from Lima who detailed the preparation of this emblematic dish.

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