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Symptoms of the new KP.3 variant of covid: why is it triggering infections?

File photo: A nurse prepares a dose of a COVID-19 vaccine (REUTERS / Michele Tantussi)

A surge in cases has put the Covid-19 on the fore, although it had never really left. After the return to normality, the disease, which seemed to be under control, has been suffering different mutations, which at the time received the name FLiRT. He increase in cases In recent months he had been associated with the increase in social relationsbut now a new variant has been discovered within this group that does present a higher risk of incidence.

It’s about the KP.3, a new version that, like KP.2, shows 20% more chance of being infected than its common predecessor, JN.1. Health authorities are already on alert In the face of this novelty, although the contagion rate has decreased in recent weeks. The main reason for this special surveillance is that this summer, precisely, Two events that will bring together many people from different places without the advisable precautions: the Eurocup of football and the Olympic Games from Paris.

In addition, the heat It also creates a very favorable environment for viral agents, another reason why the contagion is occurring so quickly and is most likely increasing. Coupled with this, a study of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shown that the virus is Very present in wastewater in several areas of the United Statesa fact that could also occur in other parts of the world.

The virus was detected in Spain for the first time at the end of March This year, in the city of Cadiz. Thus, from the dates it can be intuited that the KP.3 is the main responsible for the rebound in cases in the current wave. However, and despite the fact that some territories such as the United States have already begun to impose certain measures and restrictions on flights, the World Health Organization (WHO) still has not commented on the matter of this new strain nor has it published any assessment of the risk it poses.

Evolution of positive cases of Covid-19 (blue) in Spain in the weeks of 2023 and 2024 (Carlos III Health Institute)

This increase can also be seen in concrete figures. During the second week of maywere registered in our country 26 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsa proportion that has risen to 108 cases per 100,000 inhabitants early june. Extremadura has already recommended the use of masks in health centers, while the Ministry of Health has also focused on some preventive measures, remembering that most vulnerable people They are those “who are in a residence center, polymedicated elderly people, immunosuppressed people and children.” They have also recalled the usefulness of using disposable tissues, hydroalcoholic gel and, in general, a notable hygiene in hands and public spaces.

To the come from the Omicron variantwhich has caused the most mutations since its appearance in 2021, the symptoms are the same that have been occurring previously: malaise, sore throat, fever, cough, muscle and joint pain, and loss of taste and smell. Similarly, it is hoped that the vaccines used so far serve too against this new variation, although sufficient data has not yet been collected to fully ensure this.

Doctors recommend the use of masks due to the increase in cases of flu, covid and bronchiolitis

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