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Yina Calderón congratulated Aida Victoria Merlano for her decision to end Westcol: “I take my hat off to her”

The businesswoman did not hesitate to congratulate Merlano Manzaneda for the decision he made – credit @enlamovidacol/Instagram

Yina Calderón has been known for expressing her point of view on the issues that surround content creators, such as the case of Aida Victoria Merlano and the breakup with Westcol. Although initially the businesswoman from Huila had already given a short but forceful message on the matter, on this occasion her appearance is in support of the Barranquilla native.

To get into context, on the night of June 26, a video was released in which Westcol appears giving explanations to his followers about what happened in a nightclub with a woman who wrote to him privately and asked to be invited to the space in the one he was in. Aida Victoria realized this, confronted her then partner, but hours later confirmed that she was ending her relationship with him. streamer.

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Yina Calderón shared her opinion regarding what happened in Merlano and Westcol’s relationship – credit @yinacalderonoficial/Instagram

Calderón now issued a statement on her social networks in which she congratulated Merlano Manzaneda for the decision she made to separate from the paisa. Although she does not like the Barranquilla influencer, The woman from Huil stated that the fact that Westcol allowed a woman to be so close to him left him in a very bad light.

If it’s true that Aida is going to leave Westcol or has already left, then I take my hat off to her, because that’s what we should all do. Let’s not normalize infidelity, girls. A man with a girlfriend may not have kissed the old woman or anything, but what is a man with a girlfriend doing writing directly to an old woman? What is a man with a girlfriend doing bringing an old woman into his box, old women that he doesn’t even know?

Yina Calderón criticized Westcol for having made mistakes in the relationship she had with Aida Victoria Merlano – credit @yinacalderonoficial @westcol/Instagram

This was not the only message that Calderón left in his InstaStories, since she took the opportunity to leave a reflection to those women who continue to allow this type of actions between their partners.

We have to give ourselves the courage. If you forgive the first, stick to the second, stick to the third, stick to the fourth. So no small talk, even if they tell me I’m toxic, that’s not normalized,” she concluded.

Reactions were quick to come, with some netizens praising Yina’s attitude, although criticising the fact that she is getting involved in issues that she should not be speaking about. This is taking into account that her love life has not been exemplary either.

Yina Calderón congratulated Aida Victoria Merlano for the decision she made to leave Westcol – credit @yinacalderonoficial @aidavictoriam/Instagram

After the response that the Huila native gave to the Barranquilla woman’s invitation and having provoked new attacks against their relationship, it took just under 24 hours for the daughter of former congresswoman Aída Merlano to lash out against the girdle businesswoman, through a forceful video in which she assured that “I have had enough war in my life to keep my weapons up; if you want to fight, fight alone”.

But this was not the only thing Merlano Manzaneda said, and she added something else to her speech. The young woman said that although on social media she usually shows herself as a person who is not affected by criticism, the issue with Calderón has become irritating. He also stated that over time he has learned that above all circumstances he has preferred to work on his peace of mind rather than on his he sees no problem in sitting down to talk with the businesswoman.

“There are people who interpret this as hypocrisy, perhaps because that’s how they live their lives. I’m not interested in being hypocritical with someone, especially when they have absolutely nothing to offer me that I can’t get on my own,” Merlano said.

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