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Mexico enters the US debate over fentanyl trafficking and immigration crisis – El Financiero

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in the first debate of those that will take place on the road to the US presidency, in a meeting that was headlined by issues such as migration, the response to wars in the world and political scandals.

Although it took them more than an hour to mention Mexico, Joe Biden and Donald Trump referred to the country, in both cases to justify the policies of their mandates.

Although the issue of migration was the protagonist throughout the debate, both candidates were ‘respectful’ with naming Mexico. It should be noted that Trump attacked migrants and pointed them out as responsible for many of the evils in the United States, while Biden stressed the need for the rich to pay more taxes and serve the poorest and vulnerable sectors.

Joe Biden thanked Mexico for ‘help’ against fentanyl

On the issue of fentanyl, Joe Biden responded to the attacks of Donald Trump, who said that during his administration the fight against drugs was going well until 2020, the year of the COVID pandemic in which They had to respond to the health crisis.

The current president acknowledged the crisis unleashed by synthetic drugs; however, he assured that the trafficking rates have decreased, and that they are working with the Government of Mexico to Preventing fentanyl traffickingas well as its predecessors.

Trump previously said migrants and Biden’s border policy were partly responsible for more synthetic drugs coming into the country, This is due to the lack of filters and tools to detect fentanyl..

Biden responded that the Republican Party denied in Congress the purchase of more tools to improve the detection of fentanyl because Trump asked them to, since if this happened “he would lose popularity”.

Trump ‘applauds himself’ for making Mexico a safe third country

One of the moments when Trump mentioned Mexico was when he said that thanks to his program ‘Stay in Mexico’ increased security on the southern border from the United States.

Throughout the debate he insisted that Joe Biden only had to continue with those policies to avoid a migration crisis; however, opened the borders and thus allowed migrants who “come from prisons or mental hospitals” to enter the country and promote crime.

Biden reacted angrily to these attacks, and He repeatedly reminded him when he separated children from their parents and locked them in cages.

Donald Trump dedicates the debate to attacking migrants

Donald Trump, who lost the presidential election in 2020, constantly blamed migrants for several of the problems facing the United States, such as Lack of access to health and the economic crisis led by the increase in basic products.

He assured that the fact that Joe Biden has allowed them to enter the country and has given them social security is part of the problem, and that it is necessary to remove those who “They steal jobs” from African-American people already Hispanic.

He insisted that during his Government he had the safest border in the world, and that Joe Biden did not have to do anything, in fact, that “He could have sat back and done it”; However, “he opened the border” and with it a “crisis” was unleashed.

On the issue of military veterans, he said he was “outraged” that migrants are taking jobs, and that while undocumented immigrants supposedly “They live in hotels in New York,” The troops “live on the streets.”

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