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Bombshell: Amaia Montero could return to ‘La Oreja de Van Gogh’

The fans of the group Van Gogh’s Ear They are living a few hours of heart attack since this Thursday the journalist Isabel Rábago announced that the band’s former vocalist, Amaia Monterowho left the group in 2007, could return to his former teammates.

“She’s a character we’ve talked about from time to time, we’ve worried about how she was. There are times when she’s been missing for too long and we’ve worried. Well, We are talking about Amaia Montero. And the great news that this program has learned is that she returns with Van Gogh’s Earsaid Rábago to the surprise of the entire audience.

“I think this is amazing news, and not only is he meeting up with them again to party. No, he is going to start a tour and we will all be able to enjoy it on stage. Above all, seeing it well, with the entire group supporting it. And above all, how much fun we are going to have this summer,” the journalist stated in the program Together from Telemadrid.

It is worth noting that at the moment None of the members of the group nor Amaia have commented on this reunion nor is there any type of official statement. beyond the statements of Isabel Rábago.

Stage in ‘LODVG’

Amaia Montero She initially stood out as the vocalist of La Oreja de Van Gogh, a group with which she achieved fame from its incorporation in 1996 until its departure in 2007.

During his time with the group, Montero contributed significantly to the composition of several hits that defined the the band’s signature pop rock sound, helping to sell millions of records around the world. LODVG is the group that has sold the most albums in the State in the last 30 years.

Amaia’s decision to leave the group was officially announced in November 2007. The vocalist expressed her desire to explore a solo career as the main reason for his departurelooking for new creative opportunities and the possibility of experimenting with their music.

His solo career began with the release of his self-titled album “Amaia Montero” in 2008.

For its part, Leire Martinez, vocalist of the Guipuzcoan group since 2008, she is one of the most popular singers on the music scene.

The one who was a participant in the first Spanish edition of X Factor took the reins of the group after the departure of Amaia Monteroand since then he has not stopped achieving success with the group.

Although the singer prioritizes her agenda as vocalist of LODVG, she occasionally does other types of projects. One of the most recent and notable is his participation in the film Robotia, which is now in theaters.

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