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The challenges that snow imposes to supply gas to localities » Digital Alert

Created 36 years ago as a provincial company, Hydrocarbons of Neuquén SA (HIDENESA) must overcome from the beginning the snow storms that occur every winter in the mountain towns that do not have home gas service. The supply of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) For these populations, it is an essential service that has once again been seriously at risk in recent weeks due to heavy snowfall, road and highway blockages, and white winds.

In an interview on the program Get informed by AM Summit 1400, Raúl Tojo, president of Hydrocarbons of Neuquén SA (HIDENESA), detailed the measures adopted to address this situation.

Gorsein dialogue with the journalist Pancho Casadoexplained that the Distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) was significantly reinforced, given the increase in consumption due to the extreme cold. “We are very dependent on consumption. Extreme cold weather makes people heat up much more than normal in winter,” he added.

“Due to the governor’s management, we were able to complete almost 80% of the gas loading here, at the Turboexpander or at Filo Morado. Those are the two points where we load, plus some quotas we have at Capex or Vista. But we continue traveling to Bahía Blanca because it is subsidized.”Tojo commented.

Among the locations supplied they find each other Manzano Amargo, Varvarco, Las Ovejas, Los Miches, El Cholar, El Huecú, Caviahue-Copahue, Tricao Malal, Barrancas, Taquimilán, Loncopué, Bajada del Agrio, Villa Pehuenia, Las Coloradas and Villa Traful, among others.

However, logistical challenges persist, especially in adverse winter conditions that complicate transportation on Neuquén routes. «In winter, our trucks face risks on the route due to speed and weather conditions»he warned Gorsehighlighting the importance of road safety and the collaboration of local authorities.

Finally, Tojo assured that, thanks to inter-institutional collaboration, the localities are supplied to face the storm. “We have enough gas supplies for four or five days,” he concluded.

Neuquén is preparing for a considerable climate challenge, but thanks to planning and coordinated efforts, HIDENESA is ready to face it and ensure the well-being of its inhabitants during this adverse situation.

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