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AFP Withdrawal 2024: They will deposit you in three days, if confirmed by the ‘status’ of your application

Find out how to follow up on your AFP withdrawal request. (Infobae/Shutterstock/AAFP)

He AFP withdrawal for members with a DNI ending in 1, 2, 3 and 4 (if they registered their application on the first dates) it has already been completed. The first UIT should have already been deposited, according to the regulations of the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance and AFP (SBS).

Now, while the Affiliates with 5 in the last digit of their ID They expect the deposits to arrive these days – as indicated by the SBSthe deadline should be Wednesday, June 26, for those who requested on the first day, and Thursday, June 27, the second—, thousands of affiliates are looking to know how to specify this date on which their first amounts will arrive.

For that you just have to give Follow up on your AFPin this LINK direct ( or in this one here, if applicable AFP Habitat ( But what messages should you get to know if you will soon receive the AFP withdrawal or if they have already deposited it for you?

Check the latest dates dedicated to DNI to request the AFP withdrawal. When does the free period begin? – Credit Composition Infobae/Edwin Montesinos/Infobae/Paula Elizalde

He state from your AFP application You can see it by tracking your order at this link ( There, it should tell you how your order is going. AFP withdrawal, but this can show different types of status, according to which you will know if your application has already been submitted, if you will be deposited soon or if you have already been deposited. This can be:

  • State ‘Joined‘: It means that you registered your AFP order successfully. Below you will also be informed of the number of your request and when you made it.
  • State ‘Charge made‘: It means that the deposit has already been deducted from your AFP account in the amount corresponding to the withdrawal – you can also check this on the official website of your pension management company. Also, when you get this message, you will be informed that in the next three days Payment will be made to the account you provided.
  • State ‘Paid‘: You will get this message if your first deposit has already been paid. It will read like this: “We have made the payment for your withdrawal request to the bank you chose, to the account [número de la cuenta]”.
If you get the message “Charge made”, your AFP withdrawal will be deposited in three days. – Credit Composition Infobae/Edwin Montesinos/Infobae/Paula Elizalde/AFP Association Screenshot

If you still don’t get a message telling you when the AFP will be deposited, Infobae Peru has estimated the dates according to the regulations of the S.B.S. (and what the entity could confirm to us).

“Solely for the purposes of the first disbursement, the period of 30 days has been limited to a shorter period. In this way, for applications submitted on May 20, the AFPs have, at most, until June 14 to make the first disbursement. (…) LThe figure is repeated depending on each application date“If the member submits his application on May 21, his first disbursement will be on June 17, and so on,” he explained to Infobae Peru the SBS.

There are still members who have not requested their AFP withdrawalbecause either the date has passed, or because they are waiting to register the order, given that if they do so in July they will be able to include the discount amount from their June salaries, which is repeated for August (where they can include the amounts discounted in July).

If your ID ends in 8, 9 and 0 (or another character), you can still request the withdrawal on your designated date according to this identity document:

  • DNI ends in 8, you can send it on Thursday, June 27
  • DNI ends in 9, you can send it on Friday, June 28
  • DNI ends in 0, letter or other, you can send it on Monday, July 1
  • From Tuesday, July 2nd to Saturday, August 17th ALL AFFILIATES may request (if they have not done so previously)

When trying to register their request or follow up to see if they have already been deposited, several affiliates have reported a message mistake, even being within the established hours (Monday to Friday from 8 am to 6 pm): “At this time we cannot carry out your query or transaction. Make sure you are within business hours. If you are within business hours, please try again in a few minutes.”

Given this situation, the AFP Association has provided various solutions to resolve this problem, mainly related to the device or browser used to make the query about the AFP withdrawal.

To solve this problem, some affiliates have suggested possible methods to prevent this message from appearing. Besides, the AFP Association has offered specific recommendations if you are facing this problem. Infobae Peru was able to verify that one of these solutions has worked in some cases. Here are the options you can try:

  • Try registering from another device, such as a cell phone, another laptop, or a different PC. This solution has been effective in most cases.
  • Try using a different browser. For example, if you’re using Google Chrome and it’s not working, try Microsoft Edge, Safari, or Firefox.
  • Clears browser browsing history and cookies. Sometimes this can resolve loading or access issues.

If after trying these options the problem persists, the AFP Association recommends contacting them by writing to [email protected] to receive assistance and resolve the problem.

“At this time we cannot process your query or transaction” is the most common error message that members receive when requesting or following up on their AFP withdrawal. – Credit Composition Infobae/Edwin Montesinos/Infobae/Paula Elizalde/Screenshot from AFP Association

The free period for the AFP retirement begins on Tuesday, July 2. This means that ALL AFFILIATES will be able to request up to 4 UITs during these dates, which end on Saturday, August 17. According to the estimated time Infobae Perubased on what was reported by the SBSif an affiliate requests withdrawal on July 2, the first deposit It will be processed maximum on Thursday, July 26.

From this date, the estimated time to receive each Tax Unit (UIT) is 30 days. That is, if an affiliate requests the withdrawal of three UITs, he can expect the second and third deposits to be made approximately the same day. August 25th and the 24th Septemberrespectively.

The AFP withdrawal refers to the process by which members of one of the four Pension Fund Administrator (AFP) operating in Peru can withdraw up to 20 thousand 600 soles of your funds accumulated in your individual capitalization account. This release was enabled by the Government of Peru a few months ago due to the need to oxygenate citizens, whose financial health was severely affected during 2023 when the economy fell by 0.5%.

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