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Controversial “initiation ritual” in the Argentine army: Quicklime was thrown at soldiers in Córdoba

June 27 2024 – 17:10 hrs.

What happened?

A search revealed the “initiation ritual” to which some soldiers of the Argentine Army were exposed, after they will throw quicklime at them.

The incident occurred in the province of Cordoba and affected 35 parachute regiment troopswhich caused several of them to be left with injuries.


It should be noted that lime is a calcium oxide which helps eliminate pests that affect plants and also serves as fertilizer.

The video of the “initiation ritual”

The images show the young people on their knees, while a superior passed by throwing this product in their faces, an action that generated condemnation on social networks.


In total, there were 20 soldiers who ended up hospitalized for burns on different parts of the body, such as the esophagus, lungs, stomach, eyes and respiratory tract.

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The above, since They were forced to keep their mouths open at the moment when the lime was thrown at them.

The suspension of 11 soldiers

As part of an investigation, it was decided suspend 11 military personnel who would have been involved in this shocking episode.

For now, the federal courts are handling the case, and the Argentine government has stated that it will be relentless with those responsible.

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