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Fernández Noroña reveals that “she is going to evaluate” a proposal from Sheinbaum

MEXICO CITY (apro).- After three days of public protests, federal deputy Gerardo Fernández Noroña met with the virtual president-elect, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, who, he said, made him a proposal that he will “value,” although seconds later and after mulling over the issue, he confirmed that he will remain in the Senate of the Republic.

On Thursday afternoon, the former presidential candidate went to the future president’s transition house, after making several public statements since last Monday, in which he denounced the non-compliance with the internal agreement between the former presidential candidates of Morena that, whoever won the candidacy and the Presidency, would give a position in his cabinet and in the Congress of the Union to his colleagues.

A few days ago, Sheinbaum Pardo clarified that this agreement was only between the Morena candidates, Marcelo Ebrard, Ricardo Monreal, Adán Augusto López and her, without including him or Manuel Velasco.

This Thursday afternoon, after the meeting, the PT legislator said: “At first she told me that the interpretation is correct. I have another opinion on the issue of agreements for internal positions, but I insist, it seems to me that that is not the substantive issue.”

Then, he revealed that the former head of government of Mexico City made him an offer: “She did propose something to me that I am going to value.”

-What was it? In the Legislative or the Executive?

-Well, first of all, I think it’s very important that she has confirmed to me that communication is expeditious and open, and that is a privilege and a responsibility. I am very grateful for that level of trust and that seems to me to be the most important position of any other that I could have, permanent access, he answered evasively.

The press insisted him to know what Sheinbaum Pardo proposed to him, but, again, he refused: “No, because if I’m not going to accept it, why am I saying it? And if I accept it, why do I say it? I’ll think about it”.

-But in the Legislative or the Executive?

-I already said, I already said that I am going to stay in the Senate. I already mentioned it. That’s where I’ll be, that’s my, well I’m a parliamentarian, man!

Fernández Noroña said that after the meeting with the Morena member he was “very happy because we are sharing the underlying issues and we are sharing the strengthening of the movement, the democratization.”

“The fellow president”

In his sarcastic tone, Gerardo Fernández Noroña said that during the meeting with Sheinbaum Pardo they talked about a book by Martin Luther King and that she suggested some texts to him.

Then, he highlighted the relationship “of a long time, of a lot of affection, of a lot of coincidence” and commented that at the meeting they endorsed the “fundamental commitment to care for the unity of the movement. That is the central thing, everything else is anecdotal and secondary.”

Then, as if there had been no complaints on his part because he had not been given any position, he added: “It is not a question of positions, it is a question of the importance of the movement, of service, of unity.”

And he said: “Yes, I will stay in the Senate, that was the commitment we made, we never talked about the possibility of me being in the cabinet, I have no expectations of that guy and I will be in the Senate.”

Regarding the statements he made in the morning at the National Electoral Institute (INE) against President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for that same agreement, Fernández Noroña also lowered the tone:

“I never said I was disappointed. I love him very much, I recognize his leadership. “I didn’t say that, there is no part of the text that I read that I said that I am disappointed in the fellow president.”

-How are you with him?

-Well, as the fellow president says: what is public is increasingly public and it should not be surprising that within the movement we discuss things like this that is being discussed, which will surely continue to be discussed.

-Do you maintain your aspiration for 2030?

-That question is not even asked.

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