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‘Detective Conan: the million-dollar pentagram’, katanas and intrigues in Hokkaido

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Joan Segovia | @JoanRohan

The long-awaited 27th installment of the saga of Detective Conantitled The million dollar pentagrameither Hyakuman Doru no Michishirubeaka in Japan, offers us a new and exciting adventure in Hakodate, Hokkaido. Directed by Tomoka Nagaoka and based on the manga by Gôshô Aoyama, this film continues the tradition of intricate mysteries and exciting investigations that have kept fans captivated for decades.

The story begins with receiving a message from Kaito Kid, the cunning white-collar thief, who warns about his plan to steal two Japanese swords from the rich Onoe family. Conan Edogawa and Heiji Hattori quickly become involved in the case, attempting to stop Kid and thus discover the reasons behind his interest in these objects, a departure from his typical obsession with jewelry. The Onoe family swords are associated with Toshizo Hijikata, a historical figure who died in Hakodate, thus adding a historical element to the mystery.

A highlight is the balance the film strikes between light entertainment and depth of plot.

From the start, the film engages with a promising plot. And, as is often the case with Conan films, the opening credits are visually powerful, putting the main characters in context in case anyone isn’t up to date with the manga. Plus, the direction by Tomoka Nagaoka, the first woman to bring a Detective Conan film to the big screen, brings a fresh and dynamic perspective. Her ability to handle both the katana-wielding action scenes and the moments of deduction demonstrate a deep understanding of what makes Detective Conan so special.

One of the strong points of The million dollar pentagram It is his ability to maintain a rhythm that engages the viewer. Despite the complexity of the case, full of Japanese names that one can easily get involved with, and the number of characters involved, the narrative develops fluidly, making it easy to follow the events and allowing you to enjoy Conan’s intelligent deductions. and Hattori. The scenes with katanas, haikus and historical references not only enrich the plot, but also provide a notable aesthetic element.

The chemistry between the main characters, especially Conan, Kid, Heiji and Kazuha, is shown in line with the original anime and manga, which is very positive, since in anime films they usually make strange changes to surprise that do not always look good. . The meaningful glances and moments of romantic tension between Heiji and Kazuha add an emotional layer that complements the suspense and action, continuing the story of their romance that fans have been following for decades. Furthermore, the presence of Kaito Kid as Conan’s nemesis and at the same time “ally” is always well received and helps maintain interest at all times.

It is a film that demonstrates why Detective Conan remains a relevant franchise, capable of delivering captivating stories time and time again and surprising after more than three decades since its first publication.

However, the film is not without its minor drawbacks. In some sequences, the music tends to overpower the dialogue, which can make certain crucial conversations difficult to understand. Additionally, those unfamiliar with Japanese culture may find the numerous nomenclatures of weapons and names of characters and places a little overwhelming at first. However, these details do not significantly detract from the overall enjoyment of the film.

One highlight is the balance the film strikes between light entertainment and depth of plot. With a running time of 111 minutes, the film is quite accessible and maintains a steady interest without feeling overlong. The moments of deduction are especially rewarding, allowing viewers to rack their brains to try to find the answers before the protagonists do, although this requires a great knowledge of Japanese and the culture of the land of the rising sun.

The post-credits scene is a pleasant surprise that leaves fans wanting more and anticipating Conan’s future adventures. Although the opportunity to see it dubbed into Spanish was not available to me, the original experience in Japanese with subtitles allows you to appreciate the authenticity of the voice acting and its quality.

Detective Conan: The million dollar pentagram is a valuable and highly entertaining addition to the long list of Detective Conan films. With solid direction by Tomoka Nagaoka, an intriguing plot, and well-developed characters, the film manages to maintain the essence of the series while introducing new elements that refresh the familiar formula. It is a film that demonstrates why Detective Conan continues to be a relevant franchise, capable of offering captivating stories again and again and surprising more than three decades since its first publication.

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