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EFE operations manager removed for fatal train accident in San Bernardo

What happened?

The State Railways Company (EFE) removed from his position Guillermo Ramirezmanager of Railway Operations at EFE Central, one of the first measures that affects high-level executives after the accident that occurred on Thursday the 20th in San Bernardo which left two drivers dead and nine people injured.

The departure of the executive, search ensuring greater independence in the investigative process of the accident, since Ramírez was responsible for the EFE Central Traffic Control Center.


The removal

According to this information, the departure of the senior executive was taken one day after the accident, following requests from the machinists’ union that They asked for the disaffection of several officials of operational security.

Luis Felipe Castro will temporarily take over as Operations Manager, while Marcelo Maira Solis will provide additional support in operations management.


Go to the next note

Independent of the criminal investigation carried out by the prosecution, EFE also instructed, an audit to establish the causes and responsibilities of the accident which left two workers dead and nine people with injuries of varying severity.

Regarding the accident, the Minister of Transport, Juan Carlos Muñozstated that “indeed We have a train that runs in reverse, and that is part of the problem. There are probably multiple causes here, they must be analyzed carefully.”

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