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Strong earthquake in Arequipa: photos and videos of the magnitude 7 tremor that alerted the south of the country

Moment when a strong earthquake occurred in Arequipa. (HBA News)

Early on Friday, June 28, a powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake shook the region of Arequipa, putting the entire south of the country on alert. The epicenter was located in the district of Yauca, 54 km southwest of Yauca, Caraveli, Arequipa, According to the Peruvian Geophysical Institute (IGP), the earthquake occurred at 00:36 hours and had a depth of 42 km.

Given this, social networks were quickly filled with photos and videos that captured the moment of the quake and its immediate aftermath. Users shared images from their homes, showing fallen objects, cracked roads and minor structural damage. Home videos revealed the intensity of the quake, with lamps swaying and people rushing out of their homes to seek safety.

In the few hours after the event, hashtags such as #Terremoto, #Temblor, #Eismo, #Arequipa and #Urgente became a trend on platforms such as Twitter, where the virtual community came together to share information, offer support and disseminate emergency numbers.

Strong earthquake caused landslides in mining area. (HBA News)

Citizens expressed shock and fear at the magnitude of the quake, but also showed remarkable solidarity. Many users shared advice on how to act during and after an earthquake, while others shared links to resources and emergency services.

Local and national authorities are currently assessing the damage and providing assistance to affected areas. The population is recommended to stay informed through official sources and follow the instructions of the authorities to ensure their safety and that of their families.

Second earthquake aftershock reported in Arequipa.

In situations like these, it is crucial to know how to act:

  • Stay calm and seek shelter under a sturdy table.
  • Stay away from windows and falling objects**.
  • If you are outdoors, find an open area away from buildings and poles.
  • Prepare an emergency kit with essential supplies.

Injuries are reported from the strong earthquake in Arequipa. HBA

Earthquake in Arequipa
Earthquake in Arequipa
Earthquake in Arequipa
Earthquake in Arequipa
Earthquake in Arequipa

The strong earthquake in Arequipa led to the decision of regional governor, Rohel Sanchez, has suspended classes this Friday, June 28 due to prevention measures. Likewise, the information and the damage it has caused will be evaluated.

This measure extends to the province of Caraveli. It has only been determined that it will be for this day, while the others will be under evaluation.

An earthquake could surprise you at any time, so you should have an emergency backpack that includes the following:

  • Drinking water (at least 3 liters per person per day).
  • Non-perishable foods (canned goods, energy bars, nuts).
  • First aid kit.
  • Flashlight with spare batteries.
  • Portable battery-powered radio.
  • Warm clothes and blanket.
  • Important documents (copy of ID, passports, insurance).
  • Cash.
  • Emergency whistle.
  • Mobile phone with portable charger.
  • Personal hygiene items (soap, wet towels, toilet paper).
  • Basic tools (pocket knife, tape, matches).
  • Local map and emergency contact list.
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