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The presidential debate showed Biden very weak and in some Democratic circles they are talking about removing him from the candidacy

Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their first presidential debate ahead of the November elections. The meeting was tense, with few proposals and a lot of crossfire.

The Republican candidate spoke in harsh terms about immigration policy and said that during his government there was a secure border. Biden, for his part, responded in the same tone and accused him of “separating babies from their mothers.”

In relation to foreign policy, Trump stated that “if we had a real President, respected by Putin, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine.” “He didn’t do anything, he encouraged Russia to do it because things went so badly with Afghanistan that Putin saw that he could do it. It was the most shameful moment (the exit from Afghanistan) in the history of our country,” he noted.

Biden, Trump or the least evil trap

The counterattack of the president seeking re-election was to mark Trump’s good relationship with Putin. “He told Putin to do whatever they want. Putin wanted to keep kyiv and he couldn’t,” Biden emphasized.

Trump clarified that the terms proposed by Putin regarding the end of the war when Russia takes over Ukrainian territory are unacceptable but insisted: “It is a war that should never have happened.”

If we had a real President, respected by Putin, Russia would never have invaded Ukraine

In that sense, Trump pointed out that “every time Zelensky comes to the United States he takes millions of dollars, we should not spend that money. I will end all this immediately.” Then, the former president once again questioned the US role in NATO and suggested that he could abandon it during his administration due to the expense it entails.

“Putin is a war crime who wants to recover the Soviet empire. If he takes Ukraine he will go for more. We give him weapons, not money,” Biden defended.

The Middle East was also part of the debate. Trump said that with him in the White House, “Israel would never have done what happened with Hamas because Iran had no resources and I never negotiated.”

He told Putin to do what they want. Putin wanted to stay with kyiv and couldn’t

At this point, Biden highlighted his proposal to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip aimed at exchanging hostages, recognizing the two states and ending the war. “We continue to push for them to accept. “The only thing I denied to Israel were thousand-kilo bombs that can harm innocent people. We saved Israel from Iran’s attack. “We are the one that supports Israel the most,” he emphasized.

Another delicate part of the debate was when the attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters was discussed. The former president dodged the question and said: “On January 6, we had the lowest tax pressure, we were respected and there were secure borders.” After the moderator’s insistence, he ended up answering: “I had nothing to do with it.”

The president quickly retorted that “he encouraged them to destroy everything and he will pardon them if they are convicted.” “We must remember that the only person convicted in this room is Trump,” he said.

To get by, Trump considered that “the US is a failed nation” that he intends to rebuild. “You have the morals of a cat,” Biden counterattacked, recalling the case of the porn actress whom he paid to keep her alleged sexual relationship silent.

Joe Biden highlighted that his country has “the fastest and most successful economic growth in the world and the lowest unemployment in history.” Trump’s response was to accuse him of allowing illegal immigration that takes jobs away from the black population because of “the worst border in the world.”

Regarding the fentanyl crisis, both sides declined to give details of how they would resolve it, but both pointed to China as being responsible for sending the drug.

In closing, Trump warned that Biden’s continuation could lead the world to a third world war because, like Putin, neither Xi Jinping nor Kim Jong Un respect him.

Post-debate analysis indicates that the Republican was the winner and it began to circulate in different Democratic circles that Biden is in a very bad state and could be removed from the candidacy. One of the media outlets suggesting this outcome was Politico, which speaks of a “politically dead” Biden.

August will be the key month to make the definition when the Democratic Convention takes place. The truth is that Biden’s failure in the debate raised the names of Vice President Kamala Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom and former first lady Michelle Obama.

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