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Who should sign up to maintain subsidies on electricity and gas rates?

He Government The national government has established that households that receive the social rate must re-register in order not to lose their subsidies from the ballots of light and gas during the month of June. Registration is due until August 5, 2024.

As reported who receive the social rate – retirees, pensioners, ex-combatants, disabled people and beneficiaries of social plans, among others – received the subsidy automatically from the beginning, by cross-checking data. Now, the Government requests that they register privately in order to keep it. Likewise, those who do not have the subsidy and are within categories N2 and N3, can request it.

Users are classified according to their income level, measured in Total Basic Baskets (CBT): N2 (lower income) are those with incomes of up to $828,158.19 net per month, that is, a CBT; users N3 (middle income) earn between $828,158.19 and $2,898,553.67, that is, between 1 and 3.5 CBT; and, finally, the N1 (higher income users), with monthly incomes above $2,898,553.67, which represents a minimum of 3.5 basic baskets. In the latter case, they do not receive subsidies.

How to register to maintain or apply for subsidies?

The national government keeps registration open to request subsidies for electricity and gas. The procedure is mandatory if you wish to continue with the benefit or request it, in the case of users N2 and N3. To register there is time until August 5, 2024.

  • The DNI
  • The CUIL number of each member of the household over 18 years of age
  • The pocket income of each member of the household over 18 years of age
  • An e-mail address
  • The meter number and the Customer/Service/Account/Contract number or NIS that are on your electricity and natural gas bill. See where to find the numbers.

Then you must press the “Register for RASE” option and an affidavit will be displayed that the user must complete with the data mentioned above:

At the end, the applicant will receive a confirmation code for his/her application that he/she can download as a PDF file and must keep as proof. This code is important to know the status of the procedure from the “MiArgentina” application.

What percentage of consumption will be subsidized after registering?

Those who register to maintain subsidies on electricity and gas rates – or to request them and receive an affirmative response – will obtain the subsidy for their consumption in a proportion according to their level.

In this way, on gas bills, N2 users (lower income) will receive a subsidy of 64% of the total consumed. While those with medium income (N3) will receive a subsidy for 55% of the consumption of the period. As for electricity, the discounts will be 71.92% for those in the N2 universe and 55.94% for those in the N3 universe.

What happens if users do not register to keep the subsidy?

Those who do not register until August 5, inclusive, will completely lose the subsidy and will have to pay the full bill, as do users at level N1, who are the ones with the highest income. For this reason, it is very important that users complete the request.

In this framework, the Municipality of La Plata began a dissemination campaign so that the 18,000 households that currently receive subsidies are re-registered so as not to lose them. “It is very important that they complete the process and register to keep the subsidy,” the mayor remarked. Julio Alak shortly after the initiative was launched. At the same time, he pointed out that “from the Municipality we are working to call all the affected sectors so that they are aware of this situation and help them to resolve their doubts and register in the municipal delegations.”

It is estimated that some 70,000 people benefit from the subsidies that these 18,000 households receive. Therefore, for those who cannot complete the application online, there is the possibility of approaching the User Service Center of the Electrical Energy Control Agency of the Province of Buenos Aires (OCEBA), located on 49th Street between 8 and 9 (No. 687). In this center, they will be able to process the registration for electricity and gas.

They must be presented with their DNI and at least one electricity and gas bill – with legible data of the meter number and the Customer/Service/Account/Contract or NIS number. They must also report the pocket income, email and CUIL number of both the owner and the cohabitants.

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