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This is KP.3, the new variant of covid that is already in Spain and coincides with a rebound in infections

Spain faces a summer marked by the threat of the KP.3 variant of the coronavirus, which may be behind the recent increase in covid infections in the country. According to the data of the Acute Respiratory Infection Surveillance System (SiVIRA) of the Carlos III Health Institutein the week of June 17 to 23, the incidence shot up from 136.9 to 151 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, already accumulating nine consecutive weeks of increases.

The positivity rate has also increased, reaching 34.9% of the total tests carried out, more than three points above the previous week. And not only that: the hospitalization rate has gone from 3.5 to 4.5 per 100,000 inhabitants, exceeding figures from previous years despite high vaccination coverage. It is clear that the pandemic is still present, and even more so with the emergence of new variants such as KP.3.

Predominant strains and emergence of KP.3

Although the predominant strains remain BA.2.86 and the JN.1, KP.3 lineages -belonging to the family FLiRT– has emerged with force, becoming dominant in the United States and spreading throughout the world. Some experts even point to a possible Spanish origin of this variant, first detected in Cádiz in March.

“It emerged in Cadiz, Andalusia, at the end of March and is the main driver of the current wave in Spain. Although with a numerically very low sample, but making the same comparison with other countries with numbers up to 10 times higher at the sampling level, it seems that Italy is the second country in the world in prevalence of this fast-spreading variant, approaching 20% ​​of the total samples available,” Dr. Federico Gueli assured the Italian newspaper “Il Messaggero”.

It emerged in Cadiz, Andalusia, at the end of March and is the main driver of the current wave in Spain.

Symptoms and characteristics of the KP.3 variant

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The symptoms associated with KP.3 do not differ from those already known: cough, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and anosmia or ageusia. However, its rapid ability to spread and its potential to evade immunity raise concerns among health authorities.

Faced with this situation, we insist on maintaining basic prevention measures: Ventilate closed spaces, wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth when you cough or sneezeand wear a mask if you have any symptoms. At the same time, Canarian researchers are studying a new technique for detecting the virus that, with only a heat source, amplifies and stains the viral genome if it is present, allowing an accurate diagnosis without the need for PCR.

Global impact of the KP.3 variant

The periodic emergence of new variants keeps experts around the world on edge, and KP.3 is no exception. Identified in Spain three months ago, it appears to be the main cause of the current surge, prompting countries such as the United States to step up surveillance. However, the WHO has not yet issued an official assessment of the risk posed by this strain.

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