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The government postponed the gas, electricity and fuel increases for July – El Atlántico

200 days after assuming the Presidency, Javier Milei achieved the final approval of the Bases Law and the fiscal package in Congress. The ambitious “omnibus” project had entered the Chamber of Deputies in January and for six months it suffered countless cuts and modifications that allowed the ruling party to reach a minimum consensus with the “dialogue” opposition blocs.

Despite everything, the first legislative success of the ruling party finally included several points considered central to the Casa Rosada, such as delegated powers, privatizations, the Large Investment Incentive Regime, the reversal of the Income Tax, the increase in the floor of Personal Assets and money laundering.

Fiscal package: the text approved by the House of Representatives and the Senate, which includes Income Tax, Personal Property Tax, Monotributo and Moratorium.

As in previous debates (this is the third time that these laws have been passed by the House of Representatives), the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, followed the final part of the session from the office of Martín Menem, together with her advisor Eduardo “Lule” Menem. Almost at the same time, Vice President Victoria Villarruel, went up to one of the boxes to show her support for the official project. After 7:30 p.m., the Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, also appeared in Congress and joined Karina Milei.

After the approval of the Base Law in the Chamber of Deputies, the National Government issued a statement through social networks where it highlighted that it will allow “the path to the free and prosperous country that Argentines chose on November 19.”

After more than twelve hours of debate in the Chamber of Deputies, the ruling party managed to approve the Ley Bases and the fiscal package following the changes that had been established in the Senate.

Over the course of six months, the Base Law project had various modifications but finally the necessary consensus was achieved with the “dialogue” opposition blocks that allowed the approval with 147 votes in favor and 107 against Peronism, the left, socialism and Natalia de la Sota. While Profits obtained 136 affirmative votes – 116 against – and the Personal Property reform, 134 positive votes – 118 negative.

Although the votes were not obtained to insist on the issue of public expenses, Personal Assets and the restitution of the Income Tax were approved. A few minutes after the approval of the Bases Law, a statement was released on the social networks of the Office of the President of the Argentine Republic, where “the approval of the Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines” was valued. they stood out.

“With 38 deputies, 7 senators and the support of a sector of the political leadership, and despite the obstructionism of Kirchnerism and its usual accomplices, who delayed the project for months, the National Government achieved the approval of the first law on the road. towards the free and prosperous country that Argentines chose on November 19,” they noted in the statement.

Furthermore, it was highlighted that “the Executive Branch thanks again the patriotic work of the legislators who understood the historical responsibility they had in their hands and contributed their affirmative vote, despite the constant and desperate attempts of those who seek to cling to their privileges. at the expense of the development of the country.”

At the same time, it was recalled that “on December 10, President Javier Milei made the commitment to reinsert our Nation on the path to prosperity. In the last 50 years, the number of poor people has increased tenfold. In 2006, GDP per capita was the same as today and, in more than a decade, formal employment did not grow. The approval of this law does not resolve the inherited catastrophic situation, but it represents significant progress in the mission of restoring a reasonable regulatory framework to begin to retrace the path traveled in the last 100 years.”

“As announced in the inaugural speech at the Opening of Ordinary Sessions, President Javier Milei calls this July 9 at the Historical House of Independence to governors, former presidents, leaders of the main political parties, and legislators who want to accompany the process of change led by the President of the Nation, to eliminate the recipes of misery from the future of Argentina and embrace the ideas of freedom, committing to the historic signing of the May Pact with ten refoundational and fundamental policies to return greatness to the nation”.

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