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Who won the debate Biden vs. Trump this Thursday, according to polls


Joe Biden and Donald Trump They starred on this Thursday night in first presidential debate heading into the 2024 United States electionswhich will be held on November 5th. Although there is usually no clear winner in this type of event, since it is a subjective matter, Different surveys show certain trends in the perception of viewers regarding the performance of both candidates..

CNNwhich organized the debate, launched a quick poll just hours after the Democratic president and the former Republican president met face to face in a studio in Atlanta, Georgia. According to the results, A large majority considers that Trump prevailed over Biden: 67% compared to 33%However, only 5% said they had changed their mind about who they would vote for at the polls.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden had a first debate ahead of what will be the next presidential elections in the United StatesPhoto Facebook CNN

In the previous report, another survey carried out by the same television network indicated that 55% of those surveyed expected the Republican candidate to be superior, which shows that it far exceeded the public’s expectations. Meanwhile, a survey of The New York Times/Siena College also showed a slight lead for Trump over Biden before the event, at 48% to 44%. Similarly, the Quinnipiac University poll indicated a superiority for the Republican 49% compared to his opponent’s 45%.

The middle The Hill made his own analysis of the debate and positioned the former president as a clear winner. “From a performative point of view, Trump was much more cunning and vigorous than Biden“, they said. In addition, through social networks, Interactive Polls shared the balance of the debate on several survey pages. One of them, made by Polymarketmarked clear support for Trump with 64% after the debate, against Biden who got only 19%.

Polls show a decline in support for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP)ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS – AFP

Daily MailIn collaboration with JLPartnerssurveyed 805 independent voters. The results reflected a 68% support for Trump compared to 32% for Biden. According to the media, around 30% of the people who voted for the current president of the United States in 2020 concluded that the Republican candidate won the debate.

Before the televised exchange of views between the candidates, around 40% of those surveyed said they planned to vote for Trump in the upcoming election, while 28% for Biden. However, those numbers changed in favor of the businessman after the event: a 44% opted for Trump and 24% opted for Biden.

After the debate, Donald Trump is in a better position in the pollsANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS – AFP

The results of this first debate could have a significant impact on the presidential race. While most polls still show it to be a toss-up, a close contestwith no clear outcome in the November elections, some polls are beginning to show a slight advantage for the Republican candidate. In this sense, Trump managed to capitalize on public expectations and exceed initial forecasts. With a victory in the post-debate polls, he appears to have taken the lead in this first face-to-face confrontation with Biden..


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